The Reveal

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This is in a rush and also a flashback which happens in Aftermath  after Gaon brokedown infront  of Elijah and Yohan. Elijah went back into her room........(It's been a loooong time  I didn't write anything so it is a bit lame. ) 

"Why is it so painful,"

She was tired. A lot of emotions were going  through her ,  she did not know whether she was relief that Gaon had finally .. Finally let out. She cried along with Gaon,  happy that he was alive  and he did not hold any resentment towards her. 

She sat at her dresser , looked  at her reflection in the mirror, all the crying  had left her feeling numb. She thought that whatever load that she felt  on her chess would be lighten but no , the numbing feeling is still there. 

Elijah picked up her comb and started combing her lucious long hair. 

There were some hair strands in knots. Elijah tried to comb over it , tried to make it straight. She even tried to put hair oil and after a few  futile attempts she threw the comb to  one corner of the room in frustration. 

Tears were running down her cheeks. She lean on her dresser, covering her face with her arms  and sobbed. 

She remembered the night that she found Gaon,at the courthouse  in Yaon's arms. She was petrified that she would loose Gaon. 

Petrified because she did not get to apologize to Gaon for leaving him without saying goodbye. He was ...Is her family. 

Eventhough she knew that GAon was not her father, she was petrified that she would not be able to see  that face again even if it was on another living person.  Did that make any sense? One part love him for Gaon , a brother , an uncle, a friend , a person that she can talk to  , someone that she was sure she would give her life up to protect. But .... another part a selfish part was hanging on, no, clenching on to him , as a living resemblance of someone very very dear to her and she had loss at a tender age. Elijah had a feeling that Gaon knew this but was willing to go along  to make her happy. That was how Gaon was.. 

  "Helo,"a robotic voice came from her  monitor. Elijah  wiped her tears and  switch on her camera. 

A young man , similar age to her , with wavy  blond hair , big glasses , too big for his long face, and a huge headset appeared  on the screen. He looked like Scrat from Elijah couldn't help smiling . 

His big smile changes when he saw the tear stains on her cheeks. 

 "What's wrong ? , "he asked. Elijah tried to be  strong that there was something about Dimitri that made her relax and safe. She broke down and  told him on what had happen  , about Gaon  condition , about how she misses her father. She was, blabbing  rambling and sobbing to  poor  Dimitri. Elijah could not see that he was getting more and more uncomfortable, fidgeting and looking around. 

"Сладкая, do not be sad ,"he tried to console  her.  But Elijah continued crying. 

"Look why don't we create  a virus to bring down this bank firewall , it would be fun... no? Interrupt their system security , get  some  money in the meantime . Safe in safe out..Poveselimsya!"

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