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Isaac looked weakly at Gaon.

" Where are we? And Why does it smell like poo?"

" Herman here might have released himself," said Gaon pointing to the goat. It was now standing by the stable door, sniffing the two horses. 

" You called thd goat Herman?" Gaon shrugged his shoulder, making sure he didn't pour any water on Isaac's wound. Isaac felt uncomfortable looking at Gaon  and shifted his eyes to thd ceiling. 

" Where are we? ". Isaac tried to sit up but was was gently pushed back on the hay   by Gaon.

"Don't move, just get some rest. The bullet did not go through you, I manage to get it out, lodge a few  centimeters  below your collarbone. I've sewn your injury but the bleeding wouldn't stop. I've been changing the bandages to avoid infection," said an exasperated Gaon. He was kneeling beside Isaac. It was weird looking down at someone that looks like him.All that he could think was that this is how he was going to look like as he grew older. He heard Isaac asked where impatiently.God, he hoped he would not be this grumpy. 

"We're in a farm a few miles  from the warehouse.It was pretty chaotic when the shootings started." Continued Gaon-"We'll be safe here for the time being.You know you weren't that light a person to carry on your shoulder. You should think of losing weight there old man, " teased Gaon chuckling . Isaac rolled his eyes.

" You can laugh now since you're younger ,I bet you , we'll be a spitting image when you come to my age later if danger still comes knocking at your door." The smile left Gaon 's face and he looked serious. 

They had thought that  leaving Korea would  have given them a better life to start over. They were wrong.Gaon sighed and petted the goat it was tiring to constantly be alert. The two of them kept quiet for sometime.

"Is it weird to see my face?" Gaon asked. Isaac did not say anything. Gaon had thought  he had fallen asleep , when Isaac suddenly replied. 

" Weird, angry and this crushing feeling of guilt and sadness. Seeing your face reminded  me what I had lost all this years. Angry because  Elizah and Yohan  get to have you by their side intead of me. ME ! Their own flesh and blood!I  missed Elizah growing up, helped her when she could not walk, hug her when she was scared, protect her from kidnappers, make her smile  send her to school ,send her to university !  We could cry together for her mother's death. All those time wasted  because I could not remember anything?" 

" "What happened? " asked Gaon. TIred, Isaac told Gaon what happened to him, from the time of the fire , his lost of memory to Sun Ah. 

Gaon sighed in frustration. "Why is everything still tied to her?" . 

Isaac told him about the time he ran out the hideout and got caught by the two Russian men  and Sun Ah mentioned she does not need him anymore. 

Luckily for him the two Russian men,  Ivan and Yufi did not like Sun Ah and since he did not remember anything of his past,they  took  him in as their  lacky. They brought him back to Russia and he was trained to do errands,extort money from small shop owners. He was taught how to fight and learned about firearms . As  both Yuri's and Ivan's confidence grew in him, he was dealing shipment on firearms ,auctioning for highest bidders with other dealers in other countries as well as drug cartels. 

A war broke out  between Yuri , Ivan's co. with another mob  group. 

Isaac was injured in a fight and  that was when he was having flashback of his old life.The war betweeen the group intensify for years with each wanting to monoplize  each others area. During this time Isaac had befriended a teenage russian boy , considered a computer whiz who was helping Yuri  get information on the enemies where about. Isaac asked his help to check on his past.That was when he learned about Elijah and Yohan. 

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