Conflicted Feelings

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The Ride back to the farm was spent in relative silence, Maggie seemed focused on getting home and I was still trying to process what had happened back at the store. I couldn't tell if the kiss meant something or if it was just a spur-of-the-moment type of thing. I hope that there was some true feeling behind it, as in the short time that I've known Maggie, I've grown rather fond of her.

She looked to be deep in thought as well, if the pensive look on her face was anything to go about. It made my nerves spike a bit causing my grip on the reins to tighten as my thoughts continued to be my worst enemy.

The sound of groaning in the distance was what brought my focus elsewhere and I silently berated myself for not being more aware. With that in mind, I pushed my feelings down, opting to focus on making sure we both got back to the farm in one piece.

We thankfully had no trouble getting back and once we were in the safety of the camp I let out a tiny breath I hadn't known I had been holding, happy that the run had been successful.

I figured now that we were safe that I could ask Maggie what the kiss had meant so I steeled myself and turned to her.

" about-" I had started to say but she was quick to cut me off, "Don't spoil it,"

At the words, my eyes widened briefly and I nodded, "Sorry," I apologized before opening my mouth again only moments later as we continued to ride through the camp. "So you liked it then?" I inquired as a small grin started to creep onto my face.

"It was just a one-time thing," was the answer I got back, wiping the happy look on my face away. I felt a pang of hurt at her words and it felt like my entire body deflated, like all the energy I had just disappeared. "Oh, alright," I muttered almost silently, and after that, I didn't utter another word.

We tied the horses up to a tree and I watched her walk back to the house, no doubt going to see her father. I leaned back against the tree and ran a hand over my face. I had to get it together, I was acting like a damn teenager.

I shouldn't even be focused on this with the whole Sophia thing still happening, but even with that it still sucked. After all, no one likes to get rejected. I would have to get over it though, there were more important things to do than sitting here and brooding.

I pushed myself off of the tree and started to walk away, only to pause as I saw Lori exit the house and make her way towards me.

"Did you find it?" She inquired, referring to the thing she needed me to find for her. I gave her a quick nod and took off the backpack I had on to grab what she needed. I handed her the small bag and she took it carefully, tucking it into her back pocket.

She seemed almost nervous as she stared at me for a moment but I didn't say anything and I simply slipped past her. I could feel her gaze weighing heavily on my back, she had clearly expected me to say something about the pregnancy test but I was simply too tired and out of it to dwell on it.

I would bring it up later and ask if she was going to talk to Rick about her needing one. I would ask him if he knew about it already but figuring how Lori was being all secretive about it I figured he didn't.

She probably just wanted to be sure before she broke the news to my brother, and I wasn't about to go spoil it Incase she actually was pregnant. If it turns out that the test was positive though, it would be pretty hard to raise a child in this world, Carl being a prime example of that. Most likely though Lori may have just been a little late and she was worrying over nothing.

Push and Pull || Maggie GreeneWhere stories live. Discover now