Rescue Mission

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That night we were all sitting by the fire, just enjoying each other's company. It had been a good day, the members of our group got back safe, well except for Merle, Glenn got a new car, and most importantly my family was brought back together.

I was sitting right by Rick, Lori on his other side, and Carl in his arms. I kept wanting to pinch myself, to make sure this isn't some dream my mind decided to make up. Though from the small pain I got from the first time I did it proved that this was all actually happening.

"Disoriented." My brother broke the peaceful silence we had all been sitting in. "I guess that comes closest." I would have been surprised if he hasn't felt that way when he saw how the world had ended up.

"Disoriented...fear, confusion, all those things but... disoriented comes closest." The rumbling of thunder echoed in the air and I glanced up, feeling the light droplets splash against my skin.

"Words can be meager things, sometimes they fall short," Dale said wisely as he placed his cup down

"I felt like I'd been ripped out of my life and put somewhere else" I frowned at this but continued to listen, "For a while, I thought I was trapped in some coma dream, something I might not wake up from ever."

I sent him a soft gaze as I leaned my head against his shoulder, "You found is though Rick...and Trust me I've pinched myself enough times and I can assure you this isn't a dream." I whispered softly into the night air and I felt his chest rumble a bit as a burst of soft laughter slipped through his lips.

"Mom said you died." My eyes flickered down to Carl and a sad look flashed across my face.

Rick simply smiled down at his only son, "She had every reason to believe that." He was right, after all, that was what Shane told us. "Don't you ever doubt it." Carl then looked over to me, "Aunt Ellie helped get us out, Shane too." And I reached over and patted his arm. Rick shot us both a grateful look and no words were necessary.

"When things started to get really bad, they told me at the hospital that they were gonna medevac you and the other patients to Atlanta," Lori said, retailing what we had all thought was gonna happen to Rick.

"It never happened." I finished for her, my voice sad, even though none of that mattered now as he was right next to me.

"Well, I'm not surprised after Atlanta Fell, and from the looks of that hospital, it got overrun." I hadn't even realized that the hospital must have been full of those things, it was a miracle that Rick was even standing here.

"Yeah, looks don't deceive, we barely got them out." Shane's voice came from across the fire and I looked at him.

"I can't tell you how grateful I am to you Shane, to both of you." He looked between the two of us, "We wouldn't let anything happen to them." I reassured and I leaned forward a bit, grabbing my cup of water and taking a sip.

"There go those words falling short again. Paltry things" Dale joked and I grinned slightly.

My attention was soon drawn to the other fire a little bit away as Ed but more wood in to make his fire Bigger.

"Hey Ed, you want to take that Log out?" I called over, sitting up fully.

"It's cold." Was all the man said and I ran my hand through my hair, feeling the frustration building in me.

Push and Pull || Maggie GreeneWhere stories live. Discover now