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The night was full of laughter and there was a lightness to it that I haven't felt in a while, it was a sense of... normality I guess you could say.

People were eating the fish that Andrea and Amy had managed to catch and thankfully there was enough for everyone to have seconds.

"I got to ask you, man. It's been driving me crazy." Morales said with a grin. "That watch." He pointed to where it was secured around Dale's wrist.

"What's wrong with my watch?" The older man questioned, running his thumb over it.

"I see you every day, same time, winding that thing Like a village priest saying mass."

"I've wondered this myself." Jacqui piped in.

Dale shook his head slightly, "I'm missing the point." Though there was a smile on his face.

"Unless I've misread the signs, the world seems to have come to an end. At least hit a speed bump for a good long while."

I looked at Dale, "She has a point." The world had come to a stop, so what was the point in keeping the time?

"But there's you, every day winding that stupid watch." Morales continued as he popped a piece of fish in his mouth.

"Time... it's important to keep track, isn't it? The day's at least." He tried to justify, "Don't you think, Andrea." He asked hoping she would back him up.

She simply brought her beer up to her lips to take a swig, avoiding answering.

I took a sip of my own beer, enjoying the slight buzz it was starting to cause. For the first time in a while, I felt relaxed, like absolutely nothing could go wrong.

I had no idea just how wrong I would be in only a few short minutes.

"I like...I like what, uh.., a father said to son when he gave him a watch. That had been handed down through generations." Everyone was quiet now as we listened to him speak. I always enjoyed listening to Dale, he had so many stories and he was incredibly wise.

"He said, 'I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire, which will fit your individual needs, no better than it did mine or my father's before me; I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you may forget it for a moment, now and then, and not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it'. "

It was quiet for a few seconds as we all took in what he said, some of us sharing amused looks as well.

"You are so weird," Amy said causing the rest of us to laugh.

"It's not me. It's Faulkner. William Faulkner. Maybe my bad paraphrasing."

I took a bit of my fish before pointing my fork at him, "Definitely your bad paraphrasing." A smirk playing on my lips.

Amy got up from her seat after finishing up her fish and Andrea turned to her and asked where she was heading.

"I have to pee." Her voice was hushed, "Jeez, you try to be discreet around here.." she said before heading to the RV, causing us all to snigger.

I still couldn't get over how normal all this felt, just a group of people making the best out of a bad situation. We were like a family, hell after everything we've all endured I'd say we definitely were one, but what's crazy to think about is this whole outbreak Never happened...we would have probably never run into each other.

I guess that was the silver lining in all of this.

"We're out of toilet paper." I heard Amy call...but It wasn't till I heard the scream that I looked up.

A walker had latched onto her, ripping a chunk out of her arm. More Walker's came from around the RV and we all shot out of our seats, many running away from them.

"Get him out of here!" I yelled at Lori as I grabbed my gun, pumping it. Shane did the same and we worked in tandem, taking out as many Walker's as we could.

They just kept coming though, for every one I took down there were two more to take its place.

I could hear the screams from everyone, either from fear or pain as they grabbed by Walker's.

"Die you bastard." I gritted out as I hit one with the butt of my gun before sending a shotgun shell into its brain

Shane and I made our way to Lori and Carl, guarding them from both sides as well as trying to protect those who were still alive.

We started to try and move as many people as we could away, but they just wouldn't listen and that ended up getting them killed. "Goddammit," I yelled in frustration, we were dropping like flies.

We started to try and get up to the RV, and that was when I heard more gunshots that definitely didn't belong to any of us.

They came out of the trees, gun's blazing as they took down walker after walker. "They're back!" I yelled, unloading more bullets into the horde.

Rick started yelling for us and Carl was quick to run to his father as we finished up taking out the undead.

My heartfelt like it was gonna fall out of my chest as the adrenaline coursed through my veins. We were all wide eyes, our breathing heavy as we tried to get out bearings.

I looked around, Bodies littered the ground, belonging to both Walker's and the people I had called family.

It was crazy how safe you could feel, how it felt like nothing in the world could go wrong at that moment, only for people to end up dead.

I looked to my left and I felt tears form in my eyes. Andrea was hunched over Amy's body and soon her sobs got louder as her sister took her final breath.

Soon the rest of the group turned to stare at the sisters, still wrapped up in the arms of their loved ones.

"I remember my dream now." I turned to Jim as he spoke, everyone's cries still echoing in my ears."Why I dug the holes." I stared at him, too shocked to say anything.

I heard sniveling from beside me and I turned to the person, seeing Glenn trying to keep it together. I didn't say anything as I went over to him and wrapped my arms around him in a hug, tears silently trailing down my face. He buried his face in my neck and I could feel his own tears as well.

Everyone stayed there for who knows how long, all into much disbelief to do anything. Eventually, I pulled away from Glenn and the two of us both shared a look.

This was a night that would haunt us for a long time.


That was always such a sad moment in the show to watch, and it was just as sad writing it.

But Ellie and Glenn seem to be forming a fast friendship which is always good, Ellie needs someone besides her family that she can count on and she trusts Glenn the most out of everyone that she has only just met.

Anyways remember to comment and I hope you enjoyed it!

Push and Pull || Maggie GreeneWhere stories live. Discover now