No, I'd rather jump off a cliff!!

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There was little girl sitting in the cabinets under the sink. She was trying to not make a sound but she couldn't stop the tears streaming down her face. Her eyes wide with fear looked through the tiny crack. There were three big men and her mother was on the floor. A puddle of blood sat around her worn and beaten body. Her chest barely moving for she had only few seconds left. One of the men rose a bat and struck it to the woman's head. The little girl whimpered and turned away. But the men noticed that microscopic sound and moved towards the cabinets. They never got a chance to see her face because the sirens could be heard and they ran out the back door.

The girl burst out the cabinets and ran to her mother's body. She kneeled next to her, her tiny arms wrapping around the now dead woman. The girl cried and screamed for help. She yelled Mommy! and tried to shake her awake. The attempts were futile. The officers burst into the house and paramedics went straight to the girl seeing the mother dead. The woman was pronounced dead on the scene and the girl was ripped from her mother and taken away. 

End of Dream

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring. I slammed my hand down on it, and laid back down. My mental wall was up and I could hear my "mother" thinking about yelling so I would get up. Before she could I yelled "I am up." I slowly rose and dressed to go to school. I am telepath, I can read a person's thoughts if they are near by, touching them I can see and hear everything. You must think oh the must be so great you can get all the answers and hear what everyone is thinking. Well sorry buddy it sucks to be a telepath. I got it when I was 15 and have been working on control since. I can have a mental wall to keep out the voices and only choose some to come in. But you still know things that scare you. Accidently brush someone's hand and know all their secrets. It is scary and powerful. I know things no one should know. Like how there are werewolves in our school. Your thinking great werewolves. No not great they are jerks and only want to find their mate so they hookup with everyone in the whole school.But not me, I have had boyfriends but just from other schools or towns nearby. I always make sure to never be close enough them to notice me. I have none of them in my classes thankfully. even if they did notice me not only would I shoot them down but I wouldn't mean anything to them I am just another piece of meat for them. 

I got to school early and went to my locker. I was getting my books when I heard there mental voices approaching. I hope I find my mate soon. Yeah I second that. Third! I need to find her so I can be come alpha. I don't really care about her but I just want to be alpha all ready. Dude you will change your mind once you meet her. I doubt it its not instant love its just a strong attraction. But she is your other half. Yeah whatever all she will be is a good fuck and make me alpha and have pups. Dude you will reget ever saying that. I closed my locker and basically ran to class. I didn't want to run into them. I refuse to be even near that jerk. His name is Blake and is basically runs the school. Only because his god looking features and his athletic ability because of his werewolf traits. 

I will admit he is fine in the looks department. But it doesn't mean he can get away with that attitude. I walked into english just as the bell rang. I sat down at my desk alone in the back. I do have friends but none that go to this school. Why do I go to this school? Because my parents won't let me transfer and the other schools also don't allow you in unless you live in their town.  So I am stuck at this stupid school. I laid my head down on my desk and fell asleep.

"MISS MEYERS!!!!" I sat straight up and looked at my teacher. he was glaring so hard I thought he would bust a vein. I held in my laugh and responded to him. "Yes, Mr.West.. There is no sleeping in my class. I wasn't sleeping sir. Well then why didn't you answer me and why were your eyes closed. Well I was picturing... What I think you were picturing Miss Meyers is yourself in detention after school. Damnnnn. What was that? Nothing. Thats what I thought. No you thought that you look super tough and strict giving me detention. Your such a bad teacher and you and I both know it." It was true though he was a bad teacher. His grammar was completely wrong and I don't think he could spell anything longer than his last name. "That is two days of detention Miss Meyer!!!!! You want another? Nah I think I am all set with two." He turned around and stormed to the front of the room. Idiot! Two days of detention and tomorrow was my anniversary. I have boyfriend and his name is Jerry and mine is Addison by the way. Addie for short though. 

-----After detention----------

I walked over to the car park and jumped onto my motorcycle. I bought it myself my parents don't roll in money but we do well. I have job at a cafe and my parents are history and english professors. It usually means long hours and less family time. But I don't mind being on my own. It strengthens me cause I just have a feeling that one day everything will change and I will be alone. I am just preparing myself for my unknown future.

I drove home and went to my room. I laid down on my bed and turned on the tv. Ahhh. BEEP! I looked at my phone and saw I had a text from Jerry. You excited for tomorrow I have something big planned. Hell Yes!!! I responded. I will pick you up after school. Okay but it will have to be at 3:30 cause I have detention. Again? Yeah its only Monday, what teacher was it? Mr.West. Oh well he probably deserved it. Yeah he did I will talk too you later I got to shower. Okay night see you tomorrow babe. kk.

I put my phone on the charger and got into the shower.I walked out and screamed while dropping my towel. Thankfully I had underwear and a bra on. It was Ali my best friend in the entire world. "What the heck Ali you scared me!!! Sorry." She smiled evilly, she totally did that on purpose. "But I thought you could use a night after all the school work you did today." I turned and looked at her and busted out laughing. If there was award for slacking I would have won. I am a huge slacker and I don't do anything. But I get straight A's cause I always cheat or remember. I know cheating is bad but I don't care.

Also I do smoke pot on the occasion. But only when I can't take the voices. I might have a mental wall but sometimes the voices overflow and break it down. I put on a short tight dress and added some make up. My skin is clear except for the rare blackhead but I had my acne stage when I was 13. My hair was naturally black and wavy going down to my mid back. I had green streaks in my hair that brought out my green eyes. My nose, eyebrow, cartilage and tongue were pierced. You could say i stood out. Jerry had cropped black hair and a couple tattoos. Ali had a tattoo that had her little brothers name on her hip and her eyebrow was pierced too. She has short blonde hair with pink tips and blues eyes. Ali and I are about 5'5 and Jerry is probably 5'8. 

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