chapter 12 the death

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Addie's POV
After ice cream we all came back to my house to chill. My and Ali decided just us girls were going to have a sleepover. Josh had left so Blake did too. It felt good to relax and just be with my friends but wishing Josh and Blake stayed. No what am I saying just Josh I don't even like Blake.

Ali: I am going to go home and grab my stuff and then come straight back.

Me: OKay

Sam: I will probs leave before you get back so bye

Ali: Bye Sammy

About ten minutes after Ali left Sam decided he was going to leave. Then I heard his voice in my head. After he leaves I will go in and talk to her, I hope she gives me a second chance. I don't think I could take it if I have to watch her grow old with some one else. I kill him if he took her away from me. But I couldn't if he was what made her happy. I just hope I get a second chance. I walked Sam to the door and watched him walk down the path to the side walk. I could see his car parked across the street. He stepped out into the street and turned back to wave bye. He blew me a kiss and winked at me I laughed. Then I saw a pair of headlights. The car was coming to fast.

ME: SAMMMMM!!!!!!!

It was to late by the time I called out to him he was hit. I ran down the path and collapsed onto the street. I held his hand, and told him it would be alright. The driver called 911 and then drove away. I didn't care at the moment. I leaned down and I could hear his heartbeat but it was unsteady. 

Me: Sam please don't leave me I need you. Your the younger brother I never had. Please don't leave me. I am so sorry its all my fault I should have never let you leave.

Sam: You guys were the only real family I had. I love you all.

The ambulance arrived and I climbed in the back with him tears streaming down my face. I held his hand and he squeezed it lightly. Then his heart stopped beating I watched at the took out the defibulators and give him the electric shock. His heart started back up.

They rushed him into the hospital and I stayed in the waiting room. I used the hospital phone and called Ali and Josh. They showed up minutes later, and they called Sam's parents. A shock came when we realized he was adopted. I new how he felt and the words went much more to me. Hours later the doctor came out. I was pacing back and forth when he asked to speak to the family. We all went over to him. 

Doctor: The car hit him hard and must have going pretty fast to do that amount of damage. We tried our best but he didn't make it,......

I didn't hear him because I collapsed onto the floor and was sobbing my heart out. I just lost my little brother. I may not have known him long but he was family. I ended up being at home in my room I didn't know where I was until Ali yelled at me to get into bed. I crawled into it and pulled the covers up over my head. My tears were all dried up but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. I just laid there in bed. Ali had gone somewhere, but I wasn't to concerned about anything. 

I didn't sleep a wink all night. The scenes just kept replaying over and over in my mind. Him getting hit, the shocks in the ambulance and his lifeless body on the table, that we got to see one last time. The sun rose and Ali came in and tried to get me to get up. I just laid there, I ate little and did nothing. It was all my fault, he was dead because of me.

Its been about a week since Sam's death. I haven't gone to school and rarely gotten out of bed. I went to his wake and funeral and lost it both times. Ali and Josh should be getting out of school soon its about 2pm. I hear the door open and feet come up the stairs. Either Ali or Josh is here, I have my back to the door when the person came in. 

Blake's POV

I haven't seen my baby in almost a week and its killing me. Josh talked to me in school and said I needed to go get her up and doing things again. I skipped the last block and went straight to her house. The front door was unlocked, how stupid what if someone came in and hurt her. I walked up to her room, she was laying on her bed back towards the door. I walked around the bed and kneeled down on the floor beside her bed. She looked so sad and depressed. I couldn't help but feel angry and sad I couldn't do anything to help her take this pain away. 

Blake: Hey Addison you need to get up. Sitting here isn't doing you any good and Sam wouldn't want to see you like this.

Tears welled up in her eyes and she started to cry.

Blake: Hey hey no more crying.

I picked her up and cradled her into my arms. She clung on to me and cried harder. I rubbed soothing circles into her back and whispered calming words into her ear. Soon I heard her heartbeat at a slow steady pace. She was a sleep and from the bags under her eyes it was a goo thing. I laid on the bed with my baby and kept her safe in my arms. 

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