chapter 5

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Addie's POV

Its now Friday and Blake hasn't approached me all week. I was sad at first but this is what I wanted. Today I am going to the water park after school for our double date. I think it will be a lot of fun. Then Sunday just Josh and I are hanging out at my house. He said he has some type of meeting thing on Saturday.


The water park was a total blast. We all had fun and Sam and Ali really hit it off. I think they will be a great couple. Josh is suppose to be here soon. DING! DING! That must be him. I ran over to the door and threw it open. I gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek. We decided to watch a movie and I could tell something was up. Ten minutes into the movie and he spaced out. I feel bad but I need to know whats going on.

His thoughts: I don't know how to tell her. I certainly can't tell her I am a werewolf and my new alpha of this town has forbidden me to date her because she is his mate. I will just say we are going to quick and need a break. Damn I really like this girl too. Man I wish she was mate I don't want to hurt her. I wish I had my mate. I stopped listening. That asshole Blake told him we couldn't date cause I am his mate what a jerk. I don't want him as a mate!! But I guess I could make this easier on Josh and break up with him. I waited till the movie ended and then turned towards him. "Josh I think we should be just friends. Umm wow, okay I feel the same way. Great I guess I will see you around then? Yeah bye Addie." I watched him walk out the door. I went up to my room and took out my razor blade. In a quick motion I made slice on my wrist. I sat there and watched the blood ooze out. It was my release, I felt calm like all my emotions were flowing out of me. 

I washed the blood off my arm and went to bed my parents had sent me an email saying they would be away for awhile. Not that it mattered they didn't really care about me anyways. I got into bed and put my headphones in. I fell asleep soon after. 


I was with the little girl again. She was standing at the door with her mother. They were giving a man, which I assume is her father, hugs and kisses. He had a briefcase and suitcase in hand. He was going on a business trip. He kneeled down and kissed the girl on her nose. "Be good for daddy pumpkin. Okay daddy I love you. Love you to munchkin." He kissed his wife's cheek and then ran out the door. Flash forward. The little girl was crying holding on to her mother. The mother was crumpled in a pile on the floor crying. The little girl tried to comfort her. She didn't know what was wrong with her mommy. The police officer stood at the door he tipped his hat and walked back to his cruiser. "Mommy whats wrong? Baby girl, daddy went to away. When is he coming back? He isn't baby he is gone far away to a tropical island up in the sky. He is watching us over us now okay. He will keep us safe from up in the sky. But mommy I want him to come home. He can't baby, he can't.

-----------End of dream----------

I woke up another  visit to the little girl. Why do I visit her? I pulled on some ripped jean shorts and a sweatshirt with a tang top underneath. I got a rude awakening in school, Blake had switched into everyone of my classes. Thankfully I didn't have to sit next to him in all of them. "Hey so I heard about the break up I am really sorry." Yeah right he was the one who made us break up. Well there is no way I will go out with him, lets see how far I can push him. "Actually Rake...its Blake....whatever Blake we didn't break up so I am not sure who you got your information from." He turned and faced the board for the rest of class. I thought I heard him say I will kill him but I guess not. But just incase I texted Josh. Hey Josh I know we are friends and all but at my school here there is an annoying prick named Blake and I told him we were still dating. I know we aren't really but could we maybe fake date? I got a text back a minute later. Yeah lets hang out Saturday then, at my house. Okay see you then.

I smirked knowing I had gotten away with something. In english I sat next to Sam. "Hey Sam whats up? Nothing much why are you such in a good mood? Just cause. Okay. So I thought you and Ali hit it off pretty well. Yeah we did but we mutually decided to be friends. Oh thats cool. Yeah, I'm glad we could stay friends cause she is really awesome but its more sibling feelings with you and Ali. Great I feel the same way. You can be my big devilishly handsome and strong big brother. Yup, and I will be there to beat up jerks and bail you out of jail. Actually that might be sooner than you think on both. Why what up? Well I have my own cell at the jail downtown and Blake keeps annoying the crap out of me. Aww thats not so bad and maybe we could be neighbors there. Actually he got me tipsy and kissed me without my permission. WHAT!!!! YEAH!! Miss Meyers and Mr. Smith do you have something to share with the class. No sir" we choursed together. We both looked at each other and giggled. Then looked over at Blake and glared. Sam did the point at him and then punched his hand into his other. He was going to give the beat down. 


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