Big mess

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Shelby's POV

I cant believe what just happened I thought as I fell asleep. Niall just kissed me. OMG!!!


"All I could think about was running. I had to get away . NO NO NO!!!! Let me go Noah I don't belong with you" I yelled

" Why of course you do I raised you I deserve you not that blonde Irish bitch!!! He only likes you because he thinks you need help. He thinks he can help you but I would hate to say this but I am he cant fix what you have done to yourself" He taunted.

" Maybe he cant but I can I have quit what I used to do. That's not me anymore. That's the person I became when I was with you. You made me do it." I said as I fought back.

" Maybe it was my fault but you will never recover from it." He said.

" YES I WILL!!!" I yelled.


I felt someone shaking me so I woke up to Niall standing over me.

He asked " What's wrong love?"

I replied " Nothing just a bad dream."

" Oh OK." He said " Listen we are all still up downstairs if you want to join."

" Um sure." I said.


I helped Shelby out of bed and walked downstairs her hand in mine. I let go as we reached the bottom of the stairs and led her toward the couch. She sat next to me and looked cold so I handed her a blanket.

Out of nowhere Louis yelled " Let's play truth or dare!!! NOW!!!"

" OK." I said.

We all sat on the floor in a circle me then Shelby and Mackenzie. Then next to her Harry, Liam, Louis, Zayn. Louis voted for Zayn to go first so he did.

" Truth or Dare Louis?" He said

" Dare." Louis said.

" OK I dare you to run around the house naked four times." Zayn said.

" OK." Louis said as he began stripping.


Louis was running around the house naked I could tell me and Mackenzie were the only two covering our eyes. All the boys were laughing.

Next Harry went and said " Mackenzie truth or dare."

Mackenzie said " Dare."

" OK I dare you to sing in front of all of us." Harry said

" Um I don't think that's a good idea." She said.

I could tell Kenzie was a little scared. Then she looked at me and smiled. What was she thinking???

"OK but only is Shelby sings with me." She said.

" What NO!!" I said. " I don't sing."

" Please Shelby." Mackenzie begged with her puppy dog eyes.

" Fine but only for you." I told her.

" Yay!!" She squealed.

" SO what are we singing?" I asked her.

" UM let's sing I'm Yours." She said.

" OK." I agreed.

" OK we are going to sing i'm yours." She told everyone

" Um Niall would you mind playing your guitar while we sing." I asked

" Not at all love." He said.

Niall began playing and soon after we began singing-
Unknown Object

When we were done everyone applauded.

Harry then said " I'm tired of playing can we like bake a cake or something?"

" I'm in." Niall quickly said.

We were getting ready to bake the cake and we had almost got started when Louis threw flour on me. I screamed and soon after everyone was throwing food.

I grabbed an egg and went behind Niall and cracked it on his head. He turned around and saw me and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

He took me under the stairs and was staring right in my eyes as he started to lean in. Before I knew it we were kissing. I felt the love and the passion and one thing that stood out to me was the sparks. We had a connection no one could separate.

I heard people awing and turned to see everyone staring right at us.

I looked and started to blush as Niall pulled me in for another kiss.


Everyone saw Niall kissing Shelby. Why cant I have his courage.

I really like Mackenzie and want to ask her out. The way she smiles when it lights up the room. Her eyes look like crystals and they shine so brightly. Her everything is so perfect why cant I just talk to her. I feel so embarrassed that I cant just talk to her. I mean I can talk to any other girl.

Maybe that's why she's not just some other girl she's the girl I need. The girl I need in my life forever.

Question is How do I talk to her?




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