16 | sixteen

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Being completely and utterly obsessed with someone was not what I expected to become

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Being completely and utterly obsessed with someone was not what I expected to become. Thinking about her every single second and minute of the day, to the point where I almost drive to her house just to see that beautiful smile of hers.

If you told me four months ago, when I met Everleigh, that I was going to be this whipped, I would have laughed straight in your face.

Bliss is what I've been feeling since I've hung out with Everleigh more. We've gone on a few dates, telling one another more things about each other, even though I practically know everything little thing there is to her.

Now, I'm sitting in my living room watching a movie. I never watched movies, only when my family basically forced me too. I'm so fucking whipped.

The front door to my house opens and the sound of a familiar man's voice fills the house.

"Father." I greet my dad.

He just came back from his business trip and he looks a bit different, a bit older. He's wearing a suit and there's a stubble on his face, indicating that he hasn't shaved in a few days.

"Killian, how are you, my boy?" He grins at me.

"I've been doing good, actually, better than I've ever been."

He hums.

The sound of rushing footsteps catches my attention.

"Dad! You're back!" Blade exclaims.

"Hell yeah I am!" He ruffles Blades hair which receives a playful glare.

Aurora comes bounding down the stairs and jumps into my fathers arms.

"Rory! I've missed you guys so much." They hug for a while before pulling back.

"Mom isn't here right now, she's actually out with a few of her friends." I inform my dad.

"In the meantime, we can make dinner." Blade and Aurora race into the kitchen to gather ingredients for dinner. Dad and I chuckle at their childishness.

We all decide on making simple lasagna for dinner. Nothing huge and fancy.


I help lay out the plates and tupperware. Mom can home not long ago and helped finish the dinner.

We all take our seats and fill our plates with food.

"So, Killian, have you met anyone yet?" My dad asks casually.

"Yes he has actually, you see-" I cut Blade off with a raise of my hand.

"Yes I have met someone, father." I answer him.

He smiles and leans forward, intrigued. He was about to say something when my phone rings.

I take my phone out of my pocket to see my angel calling me. The photo of her snuggling into me flashes across my screen.

"Who is it? Is it her?" My mom asks.

I nod.

"Answer it, already!" Rory exclaims, throwing her hands up in the air.

I swipe to answer the call, putting the phone to my ear.

"Hi Killian!" Her stunning voice greets me.


A few 'awes' sound around me. I roll my eyes at my family.

"How have you been?" She asks.

"I'm good. You?"

"Oh, I'm doing amazing! I found a stray cat on the side of road when I was taking a walk earlier. I think I might keep her. Or him, I don't know if it's a female or male. Killian, how do you tell if a cat is a female or male?" She asks me innocently. Too innocently.

I chuckle, "I'm not sure, Angel. Why don't you ask your uncle. I'm sure he'll be able to find out for you."

I hear her gasp from the other side of the phone, like she never thought of that.

"You should come visit tomorrow when you're free, so you can meet it! It's absolutely adorable!"

I smile at her cuteness, "I'll be sure to stop by tomorrow, darling."

A voice comes from the background and she answer whoever it is, most likely her aunt or uncle.

"Well, I've gotta go now. Goodnight Killian."

"Goodnight angel." I hang up the call and I suddenly realize that my whole family just listened to me talk on the phone.

I look up to meet their eyes and they all hold shock.

"You really are falling in love." Rory finally breaks the silence.

"Who said I'm falling in love?" I cross my arms like a child. Do I care? No.

"The way your voice got soft when you started talking to her. You smiled! We rarely ever see you smile and plus, we've never seen you act this way with a woman before."

I look around the table at Blade, and my mom and dad. They all nod their heads in agreement.

Am I really falling in love?

His Angel | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now