25 | twenty five

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"I spy with my little eye, something red."

"Oh! I know what it is!" I exclaim.

"What is it hun?" My mom asks.

"The red car!"

"You got it," she gives me a high five from the passenger seat.

"Your turn dad!"

He ponders for a second as he focuses on the road ahead.

"I spy with my little eye, something purple."

I look around for a second and then I notice something purple.

"Is it that sign?" I ask.

He chuckles, "Nope."

As I look around a second time, I notice a car coming full speed to the left of us.

"Dad!" I scream as the car hits us.

Flashback over

I look down at the two gravestones in front of me with tears in my eyes.

Diana Knight
A loving mother, wife, daughter, and sister.
June 12 1981 - Nov 25 2015

Gabriel Knight
A caring father, husband, brother, and son.
Oct 26 1976 - Nov 25 2015

"Hi mom, hey dad." I sniffle and wipe a tear drop from my cheek.

"I miss you guys so much," my voice cracks.

I clear my throat, "I got you guys your favorite flowers."

I place the sunflowers on my moms grave and the roses on my dads.

I then sit down on the bench, that Nick had built-in for me, "I met a guy. He's so wonderful and he's way better than Rick. His name is Killian and he treats me so good, mom and dad. And his family is so kind to me, " I sigh, "I wish you guys were still here to see him. "

A text brings my attention to my phone.

my sugarplum: do you need me to come sit with you?

Everleigh: Please.

I hear him get out of the car and the sound of his footsteps getting closer to me.

Killian sits down beside me on the bench. He wraps his arms around me and lets me cry into his shoulder.

"Tell me about them?" He asks softly.

"My mom loved to bake, as you already know. We would always have a contest. It was either between my father, my mother, and me or just my mother and father and I would be the judge. We would see who could make the best thing. It didn't matter what it was,

On other days, we would have movie nights. We'd either watch a bunch of Disney movies or we'd watch a horror movie. I remember how my father always let me sit between them."

I smile at the thought before continuing.

"I never heard them have a single argument. If they ever did argue, it was a playful argument, nothing serious. Everyone thought they were the perfect, married couple and now that I look back on it, they were. They loved each other so much."

"Well, I thank them because they made you, a beautiful woman." I chuckle at his statement.

"Do you wanna see pictures of them?"

He nods and I pull out my phone. I scroll through my photos and stop on the ones of my parents.

"This was when my mom was teaching my dad how to bake."

I let him look at it for a few more seconds before scrolling to the next one.

"I took this when I caught them cuddling on the couch."

"And this is all three of us. It was my birthday and we decided that it would only be us three for the day. It was the best birthday ever."

"I wish I could have met them." Killian says.

"They would have loved you."

He pulls me into a slow and steady kiss. Our lips move in sync and I pull away to catch my breath.

"I love you, you know that right?" I ask as I stare into his blue eyes.

"Of course I do. I love you as much as you do me." He kisses my forehead and I rest my head on his shoulder.


This was a short chapter and I apologize.

There will be one more chapter and then an epilogue :)

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