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I hand the last customer a croissant and I thank them for coming by

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I hand the last customer a croissant and I thank them for coming by. I wipe my hands on my mom jeans and I sigh.

"Why are you sighing?" My best friend, Scar asks.

"It was long day of work today." I push the chairs back into their tables and I turn to Scar.

She rolls her eyes at me, "C'mon, we're going to the café for coffee." She grabs me by the hand and drags me out of my bakery.

We walk down the street and into the café which is close by the bakery. We enter and the aroma of coffee hits my nostrils. I internally sigh. The place isn't really packed since it's almost 3 PM and not a lot of people like to be out at this time.

We take a seat at an empty table near the windows and a waiter walks up to us to take our orders.

"Welcome, what would you like to order today?" He asks. He seems to be young, around 17 years old and he looks like he hates his job.

"One Frappuccino and a iced coffee." Scarlett orders for us before I even get to think about what I want.

The waiter nods and walks away.

Scarlett turns to me and puts her head in her hand, "So, has anything been going on in your life lately? Any boys?" She wiggles her eyes at me.

I blush and look down. She gasps and covers her mouth in shock.

"No way! Tell me, who's the lucky boy?" She asks, desperate for an answer.

I clear my throat, "Well, he came into the bakery yesterday and asked for a cupcake."

"The cupcakes we made?"

I narrow my eyes at her, "The cupcakes I made." I say and emphasize on the 'I'.

She rolls her eyes at me, "Yeah yeah, whatever. So what happened next?"

"He paid for the cupcake and he tipped me ten dollars. I asked him what his name was and he said it was Killian. I introduced myself to him and he just nodded and left." I shrug.

"He tipped you?! That means he must've really liked you girl." She playfully punches my shoulder.

The waiter comes back and sets our coffees down. I pay him five dollars and he thanks us.

I turn my attention back to Scarlett and she gives me the look like she knows there is more than just the little encounter at the bakery.

I sigh and play with my straw, "Yesterday, I was making a strawberry cheesecake that I found in one of my mothers cook books. My aunt tasted it and said it was delicious and I was going on a walk so I took some with me. I was near the bakery and I had accidentally bumped into Killian. I apologized and we talked for a few. I asked him if he wanted to try some of my cheesecake and he agreed and he likes it. I asked him about his life and he told me how he works for his company at home and he has two siblings. I told him about my family, what I do for a living and just....little things."

Scarlett scoffs, "Girl, if you don't get your man. That is true love right there. It's such a coincidence you both bumped into each other. You're so lucky."

I look at the time on my phone, 5:55 PM.

"I think I should start to head home now. I'll see you tomorrow." I say as I get up and start to collect my things.

She nods, "Don't forget to update me if anything else happens." She points her finger at me, accusingly.

I laugh and shake my head at her.

"I love you!" She shouts at me as I near the exit. A few people turn to see what's happening over here.

I blush, embarrassed, "I love you too."

I walk down the streets of my town, stopping to look at interesting things. A lady with her puppy walked by me and I stopped to pet the cute dog. I passed by an antique shop and I made a mental note to come back here when I'm off one of these days.

I end up walking on a bridge that overlooks a lake and you can see the sunset from here. I lean onto the railing, admiring my surroundings.

I hear footsteps to my right and I see Killian walk up to me. He stands next to me and looks at the sunset.

We both stand next to each other, watching the sunset.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

He shrugs, "I saw you watching the sunset and I decided that I'd watch with you." He says, looking at me.

"Thank you." I softly say.

He just nods, still staring into my eyes.

I look away, not being able to take in the intensity of his blue eyes.

"This is so beautiful, right?"I ask, looking at how the sky is hundreds of colors at once.

"Yeah, I've never seen anything more beautiful." He says and I turn my head to see him still looking at me.

I blush and look down.

I feel Killian put his forefinger and thumb under my chin, lifting my head up to his. He turns his whole body so it's facing me.

"Are you nervous, angel?" He asks, teasingly.

I shake my head at him.

He lightly chuckles and it sounds like music to my ears.

"You're cute, you know." He says and turns back to look at the sunset, letting go of my chin.

"T-thank you." I reply.

He just laughs and shakes his head at me.

This is how everyday should be.

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