Chapter 14

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Let's just hope they won't see any of the other bruises.

I'm told to sit down on the examining table which with a little resisting I eventually do.

Atlas stands next to me while he holds my hands.

It's nice, comforting in some way.

I hate it when people touch me without my permission but Atlas keeps asking if it's okay, he's starting to grow onto me.

"So what are you here for today?" The doctor asks

I stay silent.

I don't want to be here but my family does, so they can say what's wrong- I'm not talking.

When the doctor notices this he turns towards my brothers.

"Her ankle" Vincenzo states.

The doctor nods his head, "did you fall?" The doctor asks the question directed towards me.

I nod my head

"Hurts when you walk?" He asks while motioning to me that I need to take my shoe off.

A little annoyed I do as he says while nodding my head once more but stop when that sudden wave of dizziness returns.

This concussion is a pain in the ass.

I sit back up and swing a little but the hand that Atlas places on my back helps me regain my balance.

"You okay?" He asks worried.

I just hum knowing that if I'd move my head like that again it would not end well.

"Athena, does your foot hurt when you walk?" The doctor asks again.

I hum once more.

He nods his head as he starts putting some pressure on my ankle.

Unconsciously I squeeze Atlas' hand because of the pain.

He gently strokes my hand in a comforting way which makes me notice what I'm doing, so I stop.

"Don't, you can squeeze my hand as hard as you can" he says gently while smiling and caressing my hand.

The doctor moves my ankle which immediately makes me squeeze his hand again.

By sitting up like this, more pressure gets put on my ribs and I feel cuts on my back open again.

When the doctor twists my ankle which makes pain shoot up my leg and ankle, I cry out.

I bite my lip to stop myself from making any more noise.

The doctor luckily soon stops tormenting me, making me breathe out a sigh of relief.

"I'll make a reservation for some scans of your ankle in a minute but I have some questions first. Was your ankle the only thing hurt in the process of falling or did you hurt your..head perhaps?" He asks me.


"Only my ankle" I grit out of my teeth.

"Are you sure, when you were moving your head earlier you seemed rather pained while doing it." He tells me his observation.

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