Chapter 17

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Not before long I fall into a deep sleep and the surgeons start cutting me open.


I wake up and my ankle hurts more than it did before.

I slowly open my eyes but close them again when the light makes my head feel like it's exploding.

I groan pained when I try to sit up but bite through it until I am sitting.

I slowly bring my hands up and rub my eyes for a few seconds when I feel some plastic kind of tread around my arm.




My eyes open and I see that they've put an intravenous drip in my arm.

My eyes widen and my heart rate spreads up.




I pull harshly at the needle that's situation on the top of my hand until it's out.

Blood splatters around my hand from the trauma I caused to it.

I ignore it and look around the room.

It's empty that's good.

I still have my clothes on, that's good too.

I get out of bed as pain erupts over my whole body but I ignore it once more and see the crutches lying next to the bed on the ground.

It's only then that I notice the cast around my ankle.


That.... sucks.

I grab the crutches before I start walking to the door.

Opening the door, I'm met with very worried brothers.

Well fuck, I was just planning on leaving this place and go to some headquarters so I can get some work done.

Guess that's not happening anymore.

Atlas stands up immediately and wraps me into a hug.

The breath gets knocked out of me by the impact of our bodies so harshly colliding against each other.

"Sorry" Atlas mutters when he sees me almost falling also from the sudden impact.

I don't say anything as he continues talking, "I was so worried for you, I know it's just a simple operation but-" he starts as I cut him off.

"Atlas I'm okay and alive, nothing went wrong" I say

He nods his head as my words visibly relax him.

"I can't lose my twin again" he says softly, voice cracking a little.

Something tugs at my heart and I'm not sure if I like that.

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