Chapter 30

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Staring at Ena

"What just happened?" Valentino asks confused but also worried.

I feel Athena still in my arms.

I don't think she knew they were here too.

When she woke up, she was in too much shock to notice her surroundings and she hasn't really had another chance to look around clearly as she was panicking.

"Nothing" Athena mutters after a few seconds.

"Athena, that was not nothing" Alec says slightly disturbed by her words.

"It was just a nightmare" she says.

"No, no it was not. We couldn't get you out of whatever that was until it was actually over" Angelo states.

Athena shrugs her shoulders and stays in my arms, hugging me tight seeking comfort.

Angelo's right. We couldn't get her out of that flashback until it was actually over. It was scary, really scary.

"Athena-" Ian starts

"Just drop it, I'm okay, it was just a nightmare." Athena says a little annoyed but there is this worry in her tone that she's scared of the others finding this all out.

"We're not just going to drop it Athena, what the hell was that!?" Valentino yells loudly concerned.

Athena flinches in my hold as her grip tightens on me.

"Guys stop it" I say a little harsh

"No Atlas why are you defending her!?" Valerio calls out loudly.

"If she doesn't want to talk about it, let her be" I say.

"No- we're not going to let her be until we know what the hell that was" Valentino now yells.

"Yes you are!"

"No! Athena what the fuck was that!?" Alec yells worry lacing his voice.

"Nothing!" Athena yells right back.

"It was not nothing!" Angelo calls out, trying not to yell nor let things go out of hand.

"It was- I'm fine, it was nothing" she says as her voice starts to break when thinking about what had happened to her.

"Athena, just tell us!" Ian says desperately

"Let her be!" I yell at them

"Atlas I love you but right now, shut the fuck up" Angelo calls out.

"No- if she doesn't want to talk about it than stop forcing her!" I yell at him- at them.

"Atlas I swear to god-" Ian starts but Athena cuts him off.

"STOP! I was raped! That's what you wanted to know" She screams, "now don't yell at him, he did nothing wrong except for trying to help me!" She continues with tears in her eyes.

Everyone in the room falls silent and I quickly pull Athena back into my arms which she left a few seconds before.

"What?" Valerio asks with tears emerging in his eyes.

Athena stays silent just like everyone else in this room.

She takes a deep breath and wipes all her tears off of her face, "like I said, I'm okay, I'm fine. It was just a nightmare which is now over so stop making such a big deal about it" Athena says strongly.

I get out of bed with Athena, "now let's go shopping because Athena needs clothes" I say, helping Athena get the attention off of the fact that she was raped since she clearly doesn't want to talk about it more.

I pick up the crutches the are next to her bed and give them to Athena so she can walk as the others still look shocked, worried, hurt, sad, mad and more by the news.

As Athena start to walk out of the room with me trailing behind her, I turn back around to them, "let's go" I say and motion for them to follow us which they do.

"You knew" Angelo says as the others walk in front of us.

"Knew what?" I ask confused

"You knew she was raped, you weren't shocked or anything when you heard the news so you already knew" he says.

I look at him for a few seconds before I answer, "yes, I knew it before you now don't mention anything about it. It's a sensitive topic so just don't..I don't know, don't hurt her" I tell him before I start walking faster so I'm catching up to Athena who's downstairs by now.

I walk past her to the kitchen and grab the bag op chips that Valentino left behind when he ran upstairs just like I grab some drinks than jog back to the others.


Athena's POV.

We are in the car on the way to the shopping center.

We're in this big SUV where we can all fit in since in there are 8 seats in here.

It was a little awkward in the beginning since everyone was still trying to sort of process what flew out of my mouth earlier about being raped.

It was actually really scary being back there.

That memory was just so...I don't know how to describe it but it felt too real, like I was actually back there.

But that's always when I have nightmares. I can't get out of them until they are actually over, I can't even understand that when I am in them I'm not actually there anymore. It really felt like I was being raped all over again.

"Do you want some" Atlas asks while shoving the bag of chips in my face.

"No thank you" I decline his offer.

"Well than it's just more for me I guess" he mutter while shoving his hand back in the bag.

"Don't get this car dirty Atlas or you'll clean it on your own" Alec warns in a threatening tone.

I snicker a little as Atlas starts whining about the fact that he doesn't want to clean the car when he sees the floor underneath his feet.

It's literally covered in crumbs of chips.

He eats like a child.

"So Athena do you know which shops you want to go to?" Ian asks me trying to make conversation.

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't really care as long as they have clothes it's okay for me" I tell him.

He nods his head, "how are your injuries?" Angelo asks me.

My heart drops


Does he know?

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