Chapter 55

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We walk back outside and jump on the hood of the car where we start talking and eating our ice cream.


A black SUV pulls up next to us, I wouldn't have payed much attention to it if it wasn't for the fact that I just saw our father sitting in there.

"Atlas" I cut him off from speaking.


"There's an SUV next to us, don't pay much attention to it and act normal. Now we have to go, like now" I say and throw him the keys.

He looks a little confused but does as I say and we hop into the car.

As Atlas turns the engine on, sperm donor steps out of the car.

"Athena what's happ-?" Atlas asks confused while turning to me but stops abruptly with speaking when he sees our father.

"Oh shit" he curses and immediately starts driving away as dear old dad jumps back in his car, following us.

I start dialing Vincenzo's number, "Athena call Vincenzo and inform him what's going on" Atlas usher out urgently.

"I'm already doing that" I say calmly while connecting my phone to Atlas' car.

The phone gets picked up immediately as I take my gun out of the back of my jeans, "Athena, what's wrong you never call me?" Vincenzo asks worriedly with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Well euhm so you see father turned up at the ice cream shop Atlas and I just ate at and now he's following us. I think he still wants to sell me and might be planning on kidnapping us if he has to. Now what would you like me to do. I can kill him, shoot him off of the road or just I don't know knock him out. I prefer the last option to be honest because then I can make him pay for what he's done to us all before and I'll need to give Ares a turn with him so-" I starts calmly talking when suddenly Vincenzo's voice rings through the car, "Athena, just drive to the location I'm sending to you now, do everything you can to lose this guy. Now Ares turn your location on so we can already start sending help to you guys." He says commandingly.

Atlas throws his phone at me so I quickly turn his location on before I roll down the window when suddenly shots start ringing in the air.

Well if that isn't dad trying to kill us.

I lean out of the window as Atlas protests against my actions.

I start shooting back in their tires so the car slowly falls still but when backup from father's side shows up, I know it'll have no use in the end.

However I do continue with what I'm doing as Atlas starts driving faster.

Way too soon I run out of bullets so I drop back in the car as more cars from on father's side make their way over to us.

"Atlas go faster, they're closing in" I tell him.

He does as I say while I open the glove compartment in search for more bullets or a gun.

I find another gun there which I quickly grab before I start shooting at them once more.

Suddenly cars head in our way in front of us.


"If we try to go through there we will end up dying in the crash" Atlas says.

"I know"

We lost

We're on a bridge we can't do anything except for stop the car.

I grab Atlas his hand as more cars pull up.

"There must be something we can do" I rush out while trying to remain calm.

"We could jump in the water and swim to shore before we can start running again" He suggests

"It's too cold, if we jump in that water our bodies will go into shock and we'll most likely die of a heart attack" I say, shutting down his idea.

All the cars that have pulled up are being abandoned as the men inside them have their guns pointed in our direction.

"If we run they'll shoot us" he says.

"Get out of the car!!" Father screams at us.

We don't move, "fight them off if they touch you, use them to get us out" I say quickly.  

Atlas immediately understands what I mean when a few men of whatever it is that old bat is part of start walking in our way.  

Before they can touch the car however I quickly open the door which causes one of the men at my side to fall down and drag someone else with him.

There is only one standing man at my side anymore which I start fighting until I have him in my hold with a gun against the back of his head.

"Let us go" I demand harshly, monotonously while pressing the gun harder against the man's head.

I glance over at Atlas to see him in the same position as I am.

"Shoot them, I could care less Athena. Drop the guns and come here" father calls out to us.

Suddenly Atlas falls down as the sound of a gunshot pierces through the air.

He cries out and I immediately run over to him but not before pushing on a pressure point on that man.

Atlas clutches his thigh painfully and I fall down on the floor next to him.

I see who shot Atlas so I quickly raise my gun and shoot the woman right through the head, in between her eye brows.

Atlas cries pained while I wrap my arms around him and blood leaves his body rapidly.

"Shhh, it's okay, you'll be okay" I whisper over and over again as I help him out pressure on that wound.

"Did it go through?" I ask him.

He nods his head.

"Okay- okay, Atlas we both know that we're not going to get out of here unless it's with that idiot where I'm pretty sure of that he will not give you medical attention. So, I'm quickly going to burns those wounds close, otherwise you'll bleed to dead and I don't want that okay. It's going to hurt, I'm sorry, it'll be okay though okay" I rush out gently while I grab my lighter.

He nods his head as his face twists in a painful expression.

Slowly I grab the lighter out of my pocket and start burning the wounds close at Atlas cries in pain.

I slowly play with his hair, "shhhh, it's okay, it's almost over" I say as I'm already closing the end of the bleeding wound.

When I'm done I see men walk up to us and instinctively my grip on my twin tightens.

My heart clenches painfully to see him like this.

With the remaining bullets I shoot as many in the head as I can but soon they're already tearing us apart, then everything goes black.

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