Chapter 23

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I slump against the door and slowly exhaustion starts to take over and I fall into a sleep full of nightmares.

——— Athena at 13 years old

I squeal in joy as Henry trows me over his shoulder before he starts walking to the living room.

"Henry what are you doing!?" I laugh loudly.

"We're having a movie night Rosie" he says before throwing me onto the couch.

I smile as Ares hugs me from behind and they turn me so I'm sitting in between both of them.

I take the remote off of the coffee table hoping that I'll get to chose.

But I don't since Ares just pulls the remote out of my hands, "you chose last time, it's my turn now" he says smiling wickedly.

I slightly glare at him but nod my head and lie down.

Henry pulls me into his side while wrapping his arm around my shoulder while Ares throws a blanket over us all.

He puts on some random movie which I honestly could care less about.

I've never been loved in my entire life except for now, this-...this is really nice.

I smile while snuggling further between the two of them as the intro of the movie appears.


We're around half an hour into the movie when suddenly the electricity goes out.

I still next to Ares and Henry.

"Stay here, I'll go look" Henry says while pulling his arm away.

As he stands up, I grab his hand, "it'll be okay, here" he says while handing me a handgun that was hidden under the couch.

I nod my head which he of course can't see but I grab the gun as he places a small kiss on the top of my head.

"Ares stay here with her" he now says to Ares.

Ares agrees while taking out a gun that was hidden under the coffee table.

Ares tugs me closer to him

I can fight and shoot a gun and so so much more but I can't help but feel worried for Henry and Ares.

I don't want anything happening to them.

Without them I have no one.

My heart beats loudly in my throat as my hands are clasped firmly around the gun.

I look around very aware of my surroundings.

The back up generator should be on by now, why is it not on!?

My breathing is uneven as I look around in the dark but can't see anything.

Sudden the lights go back on and the room is filled with men.

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