Chapter 52

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And I sat there for hours, hanging over his body, crying my heart out for the man who I considered to be my real father as the blood that poured out of him started covering my own.


Vincenzo Rossi's POV.

I just took a break from trying to find my so called father after many hours.

I honestly didn't know whether he was still alive or not after abandoning us a few years ago.

I couldn't find him, he was and still is always able to outsmart me.

I can't let him sell Athena.

Long before father decided to abandon his children, he abused them.

Well not all of them.

Since mom already fucked up pretty bad, I didn't want my brothers their image of our father to be bad and ruined too.

So I took their beatings.

The beatings were a long shot from being as bad as Athena's. I only got beaten and whipped, she...god it just hurts to think about it.

Unfortunately I couldn't protect my brothers from the beatings for eternity.

Father got bored of hitting me or realized that I was too weak to handle any more so he'd move on to Ian and Alec over time.

Ian and Alec saw it too, they saw the wounds and started to offer themselves up for me when it got too bad even though I subjected.

The twins luckily didn't get hit by father but they did find out when sperm donor went absolutely crazy in front of them on me.

Atlas didn't find out until well a few hours ago.

I didn't want to ruin father more to him than it already had been.

And Athena...

I had search parties out to find her day and night, I had every police station, every private investigator, everyone looking for her. Hoping that when we'd get her back, she would be okay and safe but that's far from reality.

When we finally got Athena here back with us at home, John had already hurt her.

All my life I tried to protect my siblings from any harm in the world but I only failed them.

Every one of them.

The least I can do is make sure that that bastard of a father doesn't lay another hand on one of my siblings ever again.

I start to walk to the staircase so I can take a shower and sleep for an hour or two when I suddenly hear crying.

Female crying





I quickly follow the sound of her cries and find her on one of the couches in the living room crying.

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