Chapter 16

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It feels good, nice, like I never want this to end and when I'm starting be more and more comfortable and feel ready to hug him back, the doctor informs me that I need to go get my scans.

Atlas helps me off of the examination table so I don't harshly land on my ankle which would only increase the damage.

His arm wraps around my waist so I don't put any pressure on the ankle as he holds me up.

"I'll go get you a wheelchair" the doctor announces but I stop him.

"No, I can walk" I say, "other people need it more" I continue and start limping to the door.

It's true, I don't mind walking on my ankle, I've been doing it for days now. It may hurt but it's not like I'm dying.


It all happened so fast.

One minute I was getting scans and the next I'm being prepared for surgery.

No one is telling me anything and I'm just here- being completely ignored.

Doctors and nurses are running in and out of the room as one is trying to persuade me to get dressed in that blue robe.

My brothers are in the corner of the room talking and listening to what that doctor had to say.

"Honey, please just put the robe on" she says as I see another one start to prepare a needle.

No, no needles.

I can't

I'm my getting too overwhelmed and feel my heart pound only head.

"STOP!" I scream out loudly.

Everyone in the room stops their movements and stills.

"What the hell is going on!" I yell, desperately seeking an answer. 

Atlas sees the panicked, worried look on my face and immediately makes his way over to me.

He sits down on the bed next to me and gently takes my hands in his, making my attention turn towards him.

"Breathe" he says calmly.

I nod my head lightly and try to take a deep breath.

"That's good, again" he slightly commands me.

Once more I do as he says and my heart rate slightly starts to calm a little.

"Your bone shifted which is now putting pressure on your nerves. If your nerves get hurt even a little more, there's a chance your foot could go paralyzed, that's why you need surgery to take the pressure off and to place your bone back in the right place before it bursts through your skin" Atlas explains to me.

I just nod my head before whispering so only he hears, "I can't wear that robe" I say desperately

"Why not?" He asks gently

I shake my head, "I just can't, I really can't okay."

"Ena, I-" he starts but I cut him off.

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