Chapter 43

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"No" they all say together.

A knock suddenly sounds at the door.

I don't say anything while most of the other people in the room call out a welcoming 'come in'.

The door opens and I see that doctor once more.

The same one from yesterday.

The one who asked me all those questions.

The one who accused my brothers of hurting me.

The one I sent outside when it got too much for me.

Yeah... that one.

I don't look at the woman.

I don't like her

Well it's not that I don't like her but I don't like her you know.

I can't explain it

I start reading an application for a teenage girl who's called Emilia, she filled the application form in to work at one of the stores.

Turns out this Emilia has great social skills, want to do this job because she needs more money to pay for college and she loves fashion.

Not bad.

I put her in the maybe pile which I will sort out later when I get more information of everyone in there.

"Good afternoon everyone" she greets us all.

Some say a hello back, others just give her a curt nod or wave.

I however don't do anything.

I don't want to be rude but she really pist me off yesterday.

I don't like people who I don't know wanting information about me. Definitely not when it's about such sensitive subjects.

I don't even know her name for gods sake.

I slightly glare at her, "damn what did she do, you're looking at her like she's the next person on your hit list" Ares laughs which makes Atlas who's sitting next to him snicker.

"Athena-" the doctor starts.

"No, I don't want it" I tell her knowing that now that she had got the confirmation about me having been raped, she'll want to do tests on me.

"You didn't even know what I was going to ask"

"I do know" I say confidently

She looks a little confused

"I don't want to get a rape kit nor do I want to get tested for any STD's " I tell her not caring if my brothers hear.

They already know anyway, it's not like it's a secret for them anymore.

My brothers tense, Ares included.

"Are you sure, if there is any damage-" she once more starts

"I'm sure" I speak loudly.

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