Athena is in a coma
I stand up and give the doctor a small goodbye before I start walking to the private room.
I take the elevator which brings me to the highest level in this hospital.
Slowly the elevator door opens up again so I sprint to the room.
Opening the door I take a deep breath.
As I walk in my eyes immediately land on Ena's body.
She's lying there in a hospital bed.
She's still so pale and her-..her lips are still blue.
I walk closer as the reinsurance of the heart monitor keeps reminding me that she's still alive even though it's so slow.
I sit down next to her on a chair which is standing next to the bed.
Slowly I take her cold hand in mine, "Ena-" I mutter as I feel the lump grow back in my throat.
I take another deep breath so I don't burst into tears, " can't die, you have to fight Athena. I barely know you, I- I want to get to know my twin more, please" I say close to crying.
I rub her cold hands in mine, hoping to warm her up a little. So her skin doesn't feel so cold.
On her other hand is the intravenous drip giving her extra blood.
I watch as it slowly leaves the bag and disappears in her bloodstream.
A few more minutes go by before my brothers all come inside the room.
I don't spare them a glance, I safe those glances to look at the heart monitor.
I hear everyone sitting down on chairs or beds in the room while staring at Athena.
Hours go by and I'm starting to feel really tired.
Most of the others already went to sleep, everyone except for Alec and Ian who are both working on their laptop while occasionally sneaking worried glances at Ena.
After a while, Ian stands up and starts walking to me.
"Go to sleep Atlas" he tells me while placing his hand on my shoulder.
"I can't" I tell him
"Why?" He asks me worriedly.
"Because I owe it to her" I explain
He looks slightly confused so I continue explaining
"This is all my fault, it's my fault she's in a coma and that her wounds got so bad" I say barely above a whisper
"Why would it be your fault?" He asks me worriedly while kneeling down between my legs and taking my hands in his.
"Because I knew she was injured and I tried to help her by cleaning her wounds and stuff because she didn't want to go to the hospital" I start "so we didn't go and look where it led to" I continue talking as my heart starts racing.
"You tried to help her Atlas, you did" he tries to convince me that I tried to do the right thing.
"But I didn't and now she's in a coma because of that- because I didn't force her in going to a hospital" I tell him with tears in my eyes.
"Athena might die and that's on me" I say as my voice breaks but I'm still trying to hold those tears at bay.
I can't cry.
"Atlas that's not true, it's not your fault. You can't blame yourself for things you can't control. Athena didn't want to go to the hospital so you tried to help her with the injuries. This is not your fault, you did everything you could but you needed a little professional help. Athena will be okay because you helped her, because you found her on time" he tells me with sincerity in his eyes.
I shake my head, "that's not true- it's not true" I repeat myself multiple times as my breathing quickens.
I look at Athena- at her unconscious state
"It's my fault" I tell him as I continue shaking my head like I'm crazy.
Ian takes my head in his hands, "Atlas stop, calm down" he says while slowly bringing me into a hug.
"Take some deep breaths Atlas" he instructs me.
I do as he says and take a few deep breaths as my heart starts to slow down again.
"Just breathe Atlas, just breathe, deep breaths" Ian continues to instruct me as the panic attack that had almost occurred dies down.
Ian continues to hold me, "it's not your fault Atlas, I swear and promise you that. When Athena wakes up, I can assure you that she'll say the same" he tells me.
I don't say anything.
I just stay in his hold
Moments like this are rare in our family.
Hugging each other I mean.
Father never gave us any affection, that's why we never give it to each other either. It's just a little weird, especially for my oldest brothers. They've gone through their entire life with basically nothing for affection, they don't just hug you. I never got affection either except for now with Athena since she's my twin and on these kind of rare moments.
"Close your eyes Atlas- go to sleep" Ian tells me gently.
I close my eyes and slowly I let sleep take over.
I wake up a little confused until everything comes back.
Immediately I sit up and look around the room.
I'm in the bed.
Ian must have put me in bed when I fell asleep.
Everyone is still here.
I quickly walk step out of bed and make my way over to Athena's side.
I hold my fingers against her neck once more just to be sure that there's a heartbeat.
I wouldn't be surprised if that machine suddenly stops working properly.
There's a heartbeat, it's still slow and weak but stronger than yesterday.
I relax and slowly pull away again.
I quickly grab some sweatpants, a hoodie, T-shirt and underwear before I head to the bathroom.
I take a quick shower and brush my teeth.
Soon I'm sitting back in the chair next to Ena, holding her hand.
"You have to wake up Ena" I mutter quietly, "you have to"
Suddenly the doors of the room get thrown open and Vincenzo walks in looking like absolute shit with his suitcase in his hands.

My secret lives
Teen FictionAthena Rossi; a drug addict, a mafia queen, a lost family member, an abused girl, a shy girl, ... There are a thousand names to describe her but one thing is for sure, she's fucked up in the head. I'm that girl and here is my story.....