Chapter 41

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I see Athena click her tong slightly annoyed, "fine" she mutters  


Athena's POV.

I hate that this doctor is telling me what to do, no one tells me what to do except for Atlas and Ares.

They can tell me what to do, doesn't mean I'll listen to them though.

Atlas has officially grown on to me. I think I might love my second half- my twin.

Atlas steps off of the bed while unwrapping his arms from around me.


I quickly grab his hand in mine.

I just came out of a coma.

A constant darkness where you're basically paralyzed.

It was petrifying.

I can't- I need....

I-...I, I need some comfort.

It's like he understands the panic- the fear.

He gently rubs my hand and keeps holding it.

He doesn't come to sit down though so the doctor can examine me properly.

I don't really pay attention to what she's doing.

I'm just staring at my injuries.

They all know now.


The doctor starts with checking my eyes and stuff with that light, "when you got here, you were immediately rushed into surgery after that you fell into a coma and started receiving blood since you lost too much" she says.

I nod my head, "Could you leave us alone for a second" the doctor asks my brothers.

My heart stops and I squeeze Atlas' hand tighter.

The others also sense where this will be leading to and decide not to argue not wanting to make a scene.

"You too Atlas" the doctor says while looking at him.

I shake my head, "no, no I want him to stay" I tell her

"I need to speak to you alone" she says

No, I need Atlas here

He's the biggest reason of me waking up from that coma.

Atlas gives me a quick hug, "we'll be back soon, Ena, remember to breathe" he whispers

Hesitantly I release his hand.

Fucking hell, why is this freaking me out?

I don't care that I just came out of a coma, I care about the fact that I'm scared now.

For no reason

Normally I should only be nervous about how this conversation about my abuse will go. Now I'm not only nervous, I'm scared.

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