Chapter 60

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I turn towards Elijah once more, "mama loves you a lot Elijah, so so much. I'll see you guys later okay" I smile gently as give them both one more big hug and a kiss on the head before father grabs me harshly by the arm and drags me out of the room.

"What're you going to do with me" I demand an answer from that stupid father.

He doesn't answer, his grip just tightens on me.

I try to pull my arm away from him while asking the question again when he suddenly grabs me by the throat and slams me against the wall.

He squeezes tightly and I don't try to fight him, I know that if I do, he will hurt Elijah or Atlas.

"Stop.talking." He spits out.

Literally spits out.

When he squeezes tighter I can't breathe anymore.

Tears enter my vision.

I feel light headed as dizziness consumes my head.

I start seeing double and when he finally releases me, I practically cough my lungs out.

He continues to drag me somewhere as I cough harshly.

Suddenly he opens a door where multiple men are in.

Men in expensive suits with some sort of alcohol in their hands look at me.

There are a few girls in here with lingerie on as they pour those old men more alcohol in their glasses.

One girl sits on some guy his lap while planting kisses to his neck.

I shiver in disgust as father drags me in there.

These are potential buyers, I realize.

These old men might buy me.




I have to do something so they won't want me.

I could either act like a disgusting idiot or maybe like some gold digger.

Men don't want that right.

Well since they probably want me to be like one of those girls, kissing their neck while standing in lingerie and stuff, I should probably act the opposite to that.

"Gentlemen, this is Athena, do what you want with her for now, take a taste or two, if you're interested in buying her, bidding starts next week. I'll leave you to it" father says while smiling

Then he pushes me further in the room and leaves.

I stand there strongly and confidently.

They want a little scared puppy, I won't be that.


So apparently I acted like a brat and I got punished for it.

I did nothing wrong except for stand up for myself which is bad according to them.

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