~Valentines Day~

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** February 14th **

My fingers trembled as I ran them over the perfectly decorated box of handmade chocolates for Tristin. It has only been a month and a bit since the Christmas dance and things were going great. With Tristin and I that is. My father was still giving me the cold shoulder after our New Year's Eve fiasco, but he should come around soon. I hope.

I quickly snatched up the box of sweet chocolates and rushed down stairs taking them two at a time. I flung myself around the banister knocking into my father.

"Ouch," I breathed rubbing my head with my free hand. I looked into his big eyes and frowned. I could read him like a book and his eyes said he was still pissed at me. How long was he going to hold this grudge? New Year's Eve was over a month ago, not to mention I was only five minutes late. Was he not a teenager once himself?

"Are you going to school?" He asked in a dry tone looking away from me.

"Yeah, they keep track of my attendance and everything," I answered sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"Good," he breathed.

"Are you going to be mad at me for much longer?" I sighed taking a step back.

"I'm not mad at you just disappointed with you," he answered.

"Ok are you going to be disappointed with me for much longer then?" I smiled sweetly.

"You're going to be late for school Elaynnah," he offered trying to change the subject.

"Right, Valentine's day today," I smiled kissing his cheek gently. "Love you dad even if you're mad at me," I winked.

I made my way to where my coat was hung on the wall. I felt my fathers eyes still focused on me making me feel slightly nervous. I slowly turned to face him once more.

"Is everything ok?" I asked shyly.

"Will you be home for dinner tonight?" He asked softly.

"Umm, I think Tristin was planning on a dinner date, I can change the plans though if you would like," I gushed.

"No need to change your plans, just be home by ten," he answered before heading towards his office.

I let out a small sigh still starring at the now empty hallway. Were things going to be this awkward forever? A light knock on the door interrupted my downward spiral of thoughts luckily. Tristin smiled back at me as soon as I opened the door. His soft lips crashed against mine in a sweet kiss making my head spin. My breath caught in my chest like it always did. Dating Tristin was such a fantastic rush.

"Happy Valentine's day Laynnah," he smiled his bad boy smile as he pulled away from me. I pouted slightly longing for another sweet, perfect kiss.

"Happy Valentine's day," I answered softly as I pulled my coat on.

Today was going to be one for the history books. This year for Valentine's Day I actually had a valentine. He was very sexy, very kissable valentine. Every inch of him was insatiable to the eyes, just the thought alone made me shiver with anticipation.

"Shall we?" He asked seductively.

"Yeah," I blushed as he led me to the passenger door like he always did. For having the bad boy reputation he sure was a sweet gentleman. I suppose I owed that to his grandparents. I felt his hand land on the small of my back as he opened the door for me. His fingers even through a thick layer of fabric made my skin sing with excitement making me blush even more.

We pulled into the busy student parking lot. Couples were leaned against cars making out. Everywhere you looked there was something lovey dovey to remind you of the holiday. We zigzagged our way through couples in the hallways. Something deep down inside me wished I was one of the love sick couples kissing against the lockers unfortunately a trip to the principal's office for a public display of affection would most likely land me with another month grounded. My father was still acting cold towards me I didn't really want to risk it. I made myself focus on the ground in front of me. Tristin laced his fingers with mine as we made our way to my locker.

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