~Boys Suck~

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I woke up sick once again. Morning sickness sucked that was for sure. I sat on the cold bathroom floor for what seemed like ages. I sighed as I looked down at my watch, twenty minutes before I had to leave for school, and I still looked and felt like shit.

I pulled myself up off of the floor so I could brush my teeth. After scrubbing my pearly whites thoroughly I ran my hairbrush  through my curls leaving my hair down. I quickly applied some makeup before rushing  across the hall to get dress. I opted for a black tank top with a loose t-shirt over top and a pair of black yoga pants. I was definitely going for the whole comfort thing today.

I scrambled downstairs when the doorbell rang. Tristin smiled at me as I fumbled with my coat and bag. I shot him an irritated look but said nothing. 

"Running late?" Tristin asked as he held the door open for me.

"Don't even ask," I sighed softly.

"Let's go," he half smiled.

"Yeah," I sighed as I climbed into the passenger seat of his car.

The day went by slowly. It literally dragged on and on. People generally ignored me like always. Not that I minded. I actually preferred it that way. I rummaged through my locker absent mindedly as I started packing my stuff up for the day. A pair of warm arms snaked around my waist as a muscular body pressed against my back.

I smiled as I leaned back against his chest. The oh so familiar scent of Tristin blanketed around me. It just felt so right being in his arms.

"Let's go to the beach," he breathed into my ear making me shudder slightly.

"I can't," I sighed. "Another time maybe?"

"Yeah," he breathed coldly. Ok that was weird. I gave him an apologetic look. He just shrugged at me. What the hell was his problem? "Let me take you home."

"Ok," I smiled at him nervously.

Tristin was completely silent on  the drive to my house. I suppose it wasn't really all that much of a surprise to me though. He had been acting off all day. I just wish I knew what was bugging him. 

"I'll see you later?" I breathed as I leaned in to kiss him. He didn't move. He just stared out the windshield blankly. Ok something was definitely wrong. "Is everything ok?" I asked in a small voice. He just shrugged once again. "Tristin talk to me please," I begged.

"I can't do this Elaynnah," he breathed coldly still looking out the window.

"You can't do what Tristin?" I choked out not really sure I wanted to hear the answer.

"I'm not ready to be a dad," he sighed finally looking at me.

"Uh.. Tristin Whether you are ready or not you are still a soon to be dad. Do you think I'm ready to be a mom? I'm terrified at the thought but you do what you have to do."

"I'm sorry I just can't do this."

"So you want your child to grow up fatherless? Grow up and stop being a coward," I hissed.

He was completely silent as I sat and stared at him coldly. Apparently he wasn't changing his mind. I quickly grabbed my bad and hastily got out of the car.

"I guess you are exactly what the rumors say you are," I snarled as I slammed the door fiercly. I stormed up to my house without looking back. Hot salty tears ran down my cheeks as my hart shattered into a million tiny pieces.

I slowly climbed the stairs to my room. I dropped my bag at my door before slumping to the floor. I let my tears out as I pulled my knees to my chest. How could Tristin do this to me? I sat on the floor for what seemed like hours. My phone snapped me out of my misery around seven.

"Hello?" I croked as I wiped the tears from my face.

"Are you ok?" Sam's voice breathed on the other line.

"Tristin broke up with me," I sobbed and instantly the tears began running down my face once again.

"I'm coming over," she barked before hanging up.

I slowly pulled myself up off of the ground and made my way downstairs. Sam would know what to do. She was one of Tristin's best friends after all. My chest ached as I paced back and forth waiting for Sam to show up. My heart broke with every minute that passed as my mind wandered to how Tristin's and my baby's life would be without him.

A knock at the door made me jump slightly pulling me out of my miserable day dreams. I opened the door slowly and tears ran down my cheeks as soon as my eyes fell on Sam and Paul's faces. Sam held up a tray of dairy queen blizzards making me smile for a few seconds.She wrapped her arms around me and I just sobbed into her shoulder.

Sam led me back inside my house and to the couch. She grabbed one of the blizzards and three spoons and handed the cup to me. She perched herself beside me on the couch and Paul sat on the floor in front of us.

"Don't worry we have a plan," Sam smiled at me reassuringly.

"I'll do anything," I sighed wiping the tears off of my cheeks once more. 

"Good," she smiled at me wickedly.

"It's a good plan Elaynnah. It will work for sure," Paul smiled.

"Ok what fo I have to do?" I asked softly.

"Go on a date with me," Paul winked.

"What?" I gasped. "How will that get Tristin back?" I asked not fully understanding their logic.

"It will kill him seeing you with another guy. He wont be able to stand it. He has it bad for you. He's just being stupid," Paul smiled.

"This plan will work for sure," Sam smiled. "Trust me."

"But won't that effect your friendship?" I asked nervously looking at Paul.

"Nah," Paul winked. Somehow I didn't believe him.

"Everything will be fine," Sam insisted pushing a spoon full of chocolate extreme ice cream into her mouth. "We need to pick out a date outfit. I'm thinking something sexy."

"Show lots of leg," Paul winked .

God I hope this plan doesn't backfire. I don't think I could handle loosing Tristin forever. I already felt like a puzzle missing that last piece.



Hey guys sorry this took so long. Also I'm sorry if it's short. I've been really busy with work lately. Anyways I hope you enjoy the new chapter :)

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Malliecat XO

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