~Goodbyes are never easy~

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Tristin's grandfather passed away on the way to the hospital. The next few days were painful. Full of tears anger and grief. My heart broke each time I saw Tristin's grandmother cry, or when Chloe wrapped herself in one of his sweaters just because it smelled like him. My heart shattered when Tristin drew back from everything and everyone.

He didn't cry, he didn't yell, he just went silent. It was like he was completely empty. We sat up all night completely silent he just held me close. Rocking back and forth slowly over and over again. I didn't know what to say or do. I knew I couldn't take away the pain he was feeling or make everything better so I just stayed by his side day and night.

** 1 week later **

Cars lined the streets while people dressed in all black moved slowly into the large white church. Just looking into the faces of all of the mourners drew me to the verge of tears. It didn't help that my hormones were all out of whack. Tristin held my hand as we walked passed everyone into the Church.

I sat beside Tristin in the front row of the beautiful church. Flowers covered almost everywhere. They lined the walls and the front was almost completely full of white roses, lillys and many other delicate petals. We waited for the service to begin silently. I could hear Chloe's muffled sobs from beside Tristin making my heart ache. A few people got up and started the service. They spoke of past memories but eventually their words faded into a dull haze. The only thing that really held were Tristin's. Partially because it was the first time I had heard him speak in a week and partially because he was truly speaking from his heart.

“Many of you knew my grandfather as a loyal friend and a remarkable teacher. I am standing before you today to share with you what Peter Richards was to me. When I turned ten he became my father, an ear to listen, a stern voice and my best friend.

He always knew how to solve any of my problems from how to deal with the sixth grade bully to how to get the pretty girl in science class to notice me,” he said looking directly at me. “He taught me to love with all of my heart and that the key to a happy life was to follow your heart no matter where it leads.

I stand here here today not to grieve my grandfathers death but to celebrate his life they way he would want.I know deep in my heart that his spirit will live on with all his kindness and wisdom. I know that his spirit will live on with every hear that he touched in his life,” Tristin paused for a moment like he was having a hard time keeping his words strong. “I know he will live on in out hearts as a friend, a father, a grandfather and a loving husband.”

Tears ran down my cheeks as Tristin's words hung in the air. I could hear muffled sobs from behind me but the entirety of the room felt like it let out a breath of relief. His grandfather would want his life to be celebrated and not mourned just like Tristin had said.

A few more people spoke and said their heart full goodbyes. The rest of the service went by in a blur of tears and painful goodbyes.


The next few days were hard Tristin didn't speak to anyone. He was like an empty shell. He stayed home from school not that I blamed him. Even Sam, Paul and Jake couldn't get him to speak. I wrapped my arms around him every second I could. Trying to ease his pain. I ran my fingers through his dark hair as he just sat and stared at the wall.



Hey Guys! I told you I would update soon ;) This is another short chapter so please forgive me! The next one will be longer I promise. I hope you like this chapter anyways.

Please don't forget to Follow, vote and comment.

Malliecat XO

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