~Wedding bells are ringing~

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I actually cannot believe how fast the summer is flying by its already early August and my father and Kathrine are getting married tomorrow. It seems like just yesterday I was out at Kathrine's last dress fitting and its been like two weeks. I pulled my dress on for the last time before the big day making sure it still fit good. Luckily for me it did. It fit perfectly. The soft yellow fabric flowed over my body gently make me sigh in relief. twenty four hours from now I would be welcoming a new family member to the family, and even though I refused to do a speech I was being forced into it so now I had an entire speech to write.

I quickly slipped out of the dress and placed it in its protective bag before getting dressed. I had a ton of things on my check list to complete today being the maid of honour and all.

Check list.

1) Pick up dress. [X]

2) Write speech. [ ]

3) Pick up programs and fold them. Put in Car. [ ]

4) Go over wedding music with dj.  [ ]

5) Make sure Tristin picks up his suit.  [ ]

6) Pick up hair stuff. [ ]

7) make sure the wedding cake made it to the hall. [ ]

8) Rehearsal at 6. [ ]

So far all I had done is number one on my list. I was heading over to the printer to pick up the programs next and then off to meet up with the dj. After that I was meeting up with Tristin and our friends before getting his suit and my hair stuff. I had the day all planned out now as long as it all went according to plan I was golden.

I quickly slipped my dress into my fathers car which he let me borrow because I was a very important person today apparently. Which meant I got stuck with all the shitty jobs that no one else wanted to do.

I pulled up to the printers and waited for what seemed like and eternity for the older man behind the counter to locate the box with the programs in it. I sighed when I looked at my clock Second task and I was already running behind.

"Here you go darling," the man wheezed putting a box up on the counter. "Congratulations on your wedding day," he smiled.

"Oh it's not my wedding, I'm only seventeen." Ok dumb mistake on my part because as soon as the number seventeen was off my tongue he gave me an odd look. His eyes trailed off to my stomach than back to my face once again. "Thanks for the programs," I sighed grabbing the box and rushing outside as quick as possible.

I hustled my butt to the dj's and had to waste another fifteen minutes looking for the stupid list of cheesy songs that Kathrine wanted played during the ceremony. I rolled my eyes looking at the list once I found it stuffed under the back seat. How on earth it got there I don't know.  I re-read the list Leann Rimes feels like home was number one.  Can't help falling in love with you by Elvis Presley was number two. The list just got cheesier from there.

The office for the Dj was really small and cramped with music equipment lining the walls. I gave him the list he just smiled at me knowing all to well how cheesy weddings could get. I shrugged before sitting down. He quickly got to work getting the play list ready and then I got the honour of listening to the entire play list. Yay not.

After wasting another forty minutes listing to music that made me want to pour acid into my ears I finally made it to Tristin's picked him and our friends up stopped off at the local beauty supply store grabbed my hair stuff and then went straight to pick up Tristin's suit. After all that was done it was about four O'clock and I still needed to check on the wedding cake and fold like three hundred programs all before six that didn't even include getting myself presentable.

"They sure loaded up with stuff to do," Sam breathed from the back seat.

"Tell me about it," I breathed as I parked the car in my drive way. "Help me fold these?"

"Anything for my girl," she winked.

"When did she become your girl? I thought she was my girl," Tristin laughed.

"Oh shut up you know what I meant," Sam giggled bringing the box of programs inside. I followed after her with my bag of hair things and my dress. Tristin grabbed his suit and the guys followed after him.

For the next half an hour we all folded the programs and surprisingly whipped through them quicker than I thought we would. Now I has enough time to have a quick shower and head over to the hall to check on the cake and then the rehearsal.


I awoke bright and early. Ok well maybe not so bright considering no morning sun rays had managed to make their way into my room yet. Why you ask. Well that's simple they weren't up yet. I yawned and nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw Kathrine sitting at the end of my bed.

"You know you should sneek up on pregnant people," I breathed.

"Sorry I just couldn't sleep," she smiled.

The rest of the day whipped by quickly. Really I have no clue where the time went. I remember getting ready with Sam and Kathrine. Then I remember walking down the aisle to some cheesy love song next thing I knew they were kissing and walking away. I now had a new mom. From there I was ushered off for some pictures. Now I'm sitting at the head table shaking like a leaf because of the speech I had to now say.

"I would like to call up Elaynnah Taylor the maid of honour to say a few words," the M.C. smiled at me making my heart pound like a jack hammer.

I slowly stood up and instantly got a bunch of weird looks and gasps. Really? I was pregnant it wasn't like I was some freak show with a tail and horns.  I shot my dad a nervous look he just smiled and nodded for me to continue. I walked or waddled over to the podium and took one last breath.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I don't want to say a lot today, but I do want to say one or two very important things.My Father Daniel has been a great friend in so many ways to me. 

We've had a lot of fun together, and he's always been there for me when things were tough. Obviously. We've come to know one another so well, that we have an understanding that goes beyond words.

We don't judge, and we don't have to explain. Most of the time. So, when it happened,My father didn't really have to say much to make it clear to me that Kathrine was The One. All the signs were there... the special looks ... the way her face would light up when he was around. And for a while I wasn't happy with it.

But over time Kathrine and I have become closer and I no longer view her as just some woman who wants to take my mothers place. Because simply that's not true. I now see Kathrine as a friend someone who I can depend on when times get tough. And eventually I want to know her as well as my father. I would love nothing more to grow a bond where we have an understanding so strong it goes beyond words.

All in all, Dad and Kathrine , I can see you both making a success of everything you do together. And I'm happy to welcome Kathrine into the family with open arms. You make a perfect couple, you truly deserve each other, and I know you will both have a long and happy life together. So ladies and gentlemen, I would like to offer a toast: to my wonderful father and, his beautiful bride Kathrine. I love you both."

I literally felt like a leaf shaking standing in front of all those people but I did mean every word that I said. I really was warming up to Kathrine, she didn't seem as bad as I once thought she was. The rest of the night went by without a hitch. I danced with my father once and Tristin a bunch of times. I smiled at guests and laughed when Kathrine shoved cake in my fathers face. I was genuinely happy that my father was now starting the next chapter in his life. He deserved it.

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