~ What?~

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"Can I get a bathroom pass?" I asked Miss Stewart for what seemed like the millionth time this week. She raised her eyebrow at me slightly as she grabbed a slip of paper off of her desk.

"Are you ok Elaynnah?" She asked handing me the piece of paper hesitantly.

"Yeah. I'm fine," I smiled weakly at her.

"Ok," she smiled as I turned to leave. Tristin shot me a worried look, I just winked and made my way into the hallway. I slowly made my way into the empty bathroom this flu was way brutal not to mention I had to pee like every five minutes. In all honesty I should have just stayed home like any normal teenager would have. I quickly ducked into a stall and sank to my knees.

I heard someone enter the bathroom a few minutes later so I quickly wiped my face and flushed standing up shakily. I peaked through the stall crack and saw no one so I quietly made my way over to the sink.

“Elaynnah?” Sam's voice asked from behind me. “You look like crap,” she gasped.

“Thanks,” I shot her a hurt look. She frowned slightly as she washed her hands.

“Your a little trooper most kids would be at home watching tv if they were in your shoes,”

“Yeah I guess I'm a stupid kid,” I smiled weakly at her.

“How long have you been sick?” She asked as she inspected her black nail polish.

“I don't know a week and a bit. A few days after I met you guys,” I shrugged feeling slightly dizzy.

“Your not you know?” She asked using her arms to make an air belly in front of her stomach.

“What? No I couldn't be,” I gasped at the thought. I couldn't be pregnant right? I mean you have to miss your p... Oh no. I felt all the colour drain from my face which must have worried Sam because she hopped off the counter quickly.

“You ok?” She asked moving directly in front of me.

“I don't know. It was only once I...” I gushed tears stinging my eyes.

“No worries babe you don't even know for sure it could be the flu,” Sam breathed trying to cheer me up.

“My father is going to kill me. What will Tristin say? Oh my god.”

“Snap out of it. Listen fo back to your class tell the teacher your going home sick. I'll meet you downstairs. We'll get a test and then you'll know,” Sam instructed calmly. I just nodded my head as she wiped the tears from my face. “Pull it together,” she smiled.

“Yeah,” I whispered.

“Ok five minutes,” she smiled letting go of me. “I'll meet you in the student parking lot ok?” I just nodded again before she quickly pulled me into the hall. “Five minutes,” she repeated. I quickly made my way back to my classroom and let Miss Stewart know I was going home sick. I quickly began to pack up my stuff sitting at Tristin's and my lab station.

“You ok?” He asked quietly.

“I'm just not feeling the greatest. I'm going home to try and get some rest,” I smiled at him.

“How are you getting home?” He asked slightly concerned.

“Sam said she would drive me,” I answered shrugging it off. That seemed to make him slightly happier.

“Ok I'll call you tonight,” he smiled.

“Yeah see you later,” I smiled back stuffing the last of my things into my bag. I quickly hurried out of the room before he could ask anymore questions. How was he going to act if I told him he was going to be a father?

I made my way to my locker and grabbed my coat and some of my other books before rushing to the school office to let the secretary know I was going home sick. After about ten minutes I finally made it to the student parking lot and saw Sam leaning against a cherry red camaro Z28 with a t bar roof.

“What happened to five minutes?” She teased.

“Sorry,” I offered shyly.

“Is Tristin Treating you ok?” She asked raising an eyebrow slightly.

“Of course he's the best,” I answered slightly confused.

“Good I wouldn't want to have to hurt his pretty face,” she winked hopping up on the counter. “So whats the matter?” She asked.

“Just have the flu or something,” I shrugged.

“Get in,” she nodded to the car.

“Is that safe to drive in the winter?” I asked skeptically. The car was a classic 1971 I think? Yeah I know my cars slightly my fathers a big classic car buff.

“Its March the roads are fine. Besides this baby has gone through worse. I call her apple she's my pride and joy,” Sam gushed over the car like it was a puppy. “Coming?” She asked from inside the car. Wow the girl moves fast.

I quickly slipped inside the car smiling at Sam nervously. As soon as I was inside she sped away from the school. She turned up the radio and bobbed along to the music.

“I love girl days,” Sam gushed loudly over the music. “We should do this more often.”

“Yeah,” I breathed trying to concentrate on anything but the thought of me being pregnant.

“So you and Tristin actually did the deed?” She asked looking at me quickly.

“Yeah,” I blushed looking down.

“I guess you're not such a good girl after all,” she laughed. “To tell you the truth I thought Tristin was waiting for marriage or something.”


“He's a very sweet, old fashioned guy behind those bad boy clothes. A real grandmas boy,” Sam winked. “He must really like you.”

“I really like him,” I breathed looking at my hands.

“Everything will be fine,” Sam smiled as she pulled up to the Shoppers Drug Mart. “Ok in and out,” she winked as she parked the car.

“I can't do this,” I breathed.

“Oh yes you can,” She said hopping out of the car. “You want to know for sure or not?”

“I guess.”

“Then lets go,” Sam smiled shutting the door. I reluctantly followed her inside the store trying to hide my face as much as possible. Sam just rolled her eyes at me walking straight to the section we needed. She shoved a box into my hand then turned me around. We paid for the test getting criticizing looks from the cashier.

We hurried back to Sam's car and I instructed her on how to get to my house. My dad wouldn't be home for at least four hours. As soon as we got to my house Sam forced me into the bathroom insisting I take the test and get it done and over with. She said something about ripping the band aid off quickly.

My heart pounded in my chest as I waited the three long minutes for the result. I felt like I couldn't breath as I paced around the tiny bathroom. My alarm on my phone went off letting me know I could check the test. My hand trembled as I flipped the piece of plastic over.

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