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When her mouth first opened, all she could taste was dirt. It blinded her senses, making her cold and numb to the world around her. It was cold, unbearable. Opening up one slit of her eye, the woman saw nothing. The blinding darkness made her mind panic dramatically, her torn fingernails clawing at the soft earth above.

How long had she been asleep for? The answer seemed to slip from her mind like a fox. Either way, she didn't know. Relaxing her mind, she focused on memories.

Her mind vaguely remembering that woman binding her, allowing the man she loved to touch that poisoned dagger. Cursing as he fell in agony in front of her. Screaming as her own throat was cut.  Crying as they threw her. Silence as she died.

Shifting the softly packed earth around her, she made space to stand. Her legs shaking like an earth quake, all strength sapped from her. Feeling like she weighed a tonne, she collapsed back down. The air though limited felt dead, stale, broken. She didn't like it very much.

Sighing loudly, she manipulated the dirt around her. Driving herself up the surface, slowly using the earth around like an elevator, allowing time to collect her thoughts.

Taking a long deep breath, she broke the surface. The fierce sun light was awoke her, obsidian black eyes filling with the warmth of sight. The harsh rays made her cold, pale skin feel alive once more. The warm gentle breeze made her dirt and blood stained dress slowly sway back and forth.

Delicate fingers caressed the fallen ruins of the castle that had once been her tombstone. Broken glass lay strewn on the floor as common as blood stains. Everything had been torn to shreds, while some skeletons lay strewn from where they died. She wondered about how many victims had taken their last breath like she did here. Taking shaky steps, she began to wander to a small pit nearby.

The fresh crisp air filled her lungs. She sucked it in quickly. Never getting enough of its flavour.

"Jack," her voice was hoarse, sickly as brown eyes searched through the fallen ashes of the pit. "Jacky, you there baby."

Only the chirping of baby birds was her answer. Tears welling in her eyes like pools of water, she fell forward on her knees in despair. Crunching her fists, her gaze fell upon the crater, her teeth gritted together as she let out a howl. Banging her fists against the dirt, harder with each impact, she kept crying. Anguish. Pain. Emotions rolled through her, causing her to let out a scream of frustration.

"Hello Anastasia," she jumped up, clicking her fingers and cultivating it into a small flame. Turning around quickly, she cocked her head to the side, "You have awakened from the dead."

"Who are you?" Anastasia spat, straight brown hair plastered to her pale face. "What do you want?" The flame extinguished, leaving her hateful eyes to watch him like a hawk

The man came into full view. Dressed in a black suit with a hood to obscure his face, shadows curling around his feet like insects to light. Anastasia knew their kind well. Necromancy. Death magic.

"You died nearly 300 years ago." The man pointed to the gaping hole in her neck. Raw, rotting flesh that stunk horribly, blood still seemed to be dripping from it. "Don't you want revenge for your son?"

"And my husband."

"Your husband is very much alive." The man chuckled loudly. Anastasia's eyes widened a fraction. "He is a very annoying man."

Anastasia shrugged at him. "And?" The man looked rather stumped at her. She asked. "My guess is you were the one that brought me back from the dead. What do you want?"

"I want you to kill China Sorrows."

Anastasia raised an eyebrow. "Not interested." Her hand battered away his motion swiftly. The wind picked up around her, sending chills up her spine.

"She's the reason why you died. Wouldn't you want revenge?"

"Apparently I've had 300 years to get it. No point stirring a pot that's been chucked out." Anastasia turned to walk away. "And besides. It's meant for you. If I am going to have revenge. I want it on my terms."

"If you ever change your mind, speak to the shadows," he sung loudly behind her. She could feel the beaming grin seeping into her back like poison. Anastasia kept on walking.


Hey everyone. How did you enjoy that? First time ever writing a Skulduggery Pleasant fanfic. :). Sorry it was so short. Next chapters should be a lot longer.

Till next time. If you liked it, vote for it :)


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