Worry and Doubts

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To say Ghastly was anxious was an under statement. It was fear that brought him closer to where his old war buddy was. He felt some form of responsibility, some form of well... whether it was guilt or anger, he could not tell anymore. He supposed that was the anguish from being as old as he was.

He crept closer to where the warehouse was. As if he would let Skulduggery handle this on his own, especially with his... newly alive wife. He also supposed in himself, he owed it to Tanith. In his own way, he supposed, he had to protect her from the monsters they killed in the war. Skulduggery had urged him to let that woman go and yet, everything in his system screamed for him to just try.

He owed it to Jack as well.

Getting past their barriers was easier than falling asleep. Lazy guards that were killed so easily during his time and they had not changed their tactics from before. With a quick swipe of his wrist, it was too easy.

Hiding in the shadows, Ghastly watched as the American and Tanith argued from within the warehouse. Something was wrong. The Texan was too angry and Tanith... Ghastly could see the fury storm from within her. There was another man though. Necromancer. Ghastly could smell the stench of death from where he stood.

"So, so, so, if it isn't Ghastly Bespoke," Ghastly froze as that all so familiar voice came from behind him. The knife at his throat glinted while wild eyes smiled, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Jack?" Ghastly breathed, "Is it true? It is truly you?"

Jacky shrugged from behind him, "I am the man of the hour. Now, you are going to listen to me or I am going to paint your blood all over the ground. You see that angry man and the two dopey people that aren't happy I escaped," Ghastly nodded slowly, "You are going to get me out of here."

"Jack," Ghastly choked, "How are you still alive?"

Jacky rolled his eyes, "I think he brought me back. Now we must run."

"How do you know you can trust me?"

"Because I trust you more than him! Run!" Jacky dodged as shadows surged forward. Ghastly narrowly dodged as shadows were sent striking in their direction.  The man from the warehouse snarled at them, unamused by the disturbance.

Holding a hand, Ghastly lunged at the man. The man seemed to disappear altogether, leaving Ghastly confused. Jacky and Ghastly stood together for a moment, confusion and fear setting in.

"Duck!" Jack yelled.

Ghastly turned around and Jacky held out his arms. The Necromancer had his entire arm through Jacky's chest as blood filtered down Jacky's mouth. He coughed blood on to the sorcerer who grimaced.

"Worthless corpse," the man snarled.

"Look who is talking."

In a flash, Jacky had his blade straight through the man's throat. He gurgled, clutching his throat as Jacky slipped out of his grasp.

Jacky collapsed to his knees as the Necromancer died on the ground beside them. He clawed and screamed, edging to have breath in his lungs. As the man stopped resisting Death, shouts came from the warehouse as more people filtered outside. Ghastly stared in shock as Jacky looked back and muttered, "We have to get out of here, old pal."

Heaving more blood on to the ground below, Jacky coughed and spluttered. Blood began running down his chest as he shook.


"What did I say?" Jacky chuckled, "Get out of here."

Shadows were sent flying in their direction as they ran off into the forest.

They dodged and weaved, escaping into the forests. Trees and bushes blocked their line of view as they only had the moonlight to guide them. Ghastly sent his wrist flying out, sending earth mounds flying towards their attacker.

He dodged and weaved, as Jacky seemed to disappear altogether. Cursing his luck, he sprawled further into the forest until it seemed as though everyone disappeared altogether.

Stopping from where he was, Ghastly held up a hand. He would not run now.

Feeling the air move, he dodged out of the way to see Jacky fly across and land with a thud. He was breathing heavily, blood scraping across his chest as the wound opened and closed with every breath he took. Edging his way closer to Jacky, Ghastly crouched down. Feeling the wound, Ghastly sighed.

"I thought you are the undead," Ghastly said shocked.

"Necromancer wound remember?" Jacky chuckled, spluttering up, "I thought you paid attention. To think, I can't even kill that Valkyrie lady now."

"Your father is happy with her, Jack," Ghastly said bitterly, holding Jack, "He even cracks jokes and terrible puns. You would've liked it. To be alive. This world has changed so much since the war."

"The world ain't meant for me," Jack smiled at him, "I died a long time ago. I want to go back."

"Is that why you saved me?"

Jack shrugged, "Sometimes... I just... just prefer to see the world burn, other times I... I like seeing the people in i... i... it smile." Jack coughed and heaved, his head lolling to the side, "Take care of... of Pa for me. These... people... are... bad...news...." and with that Jack Pleasant closed his eyes.

He lolled his head back, and with that.... his body disintegrated.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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