First Time

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It took forever for Saturday to come. Ever since the day Ricky surprised me with tickets to the Jonas Brothers concert, I've been counting the seconds down as the concert approached. My alarm had gone off, but I was already awoke, waiting for the day to start. Ricky had the whole day planned out before the concert started at 7. My phone vibrated as I sat up on my bed. I smiled at the name that popped up on my screen.

Ricky's POV

I turned around to stop the alarm clock. It was 8am and I planned done things for Kendra and I. Ever since she found the concert tickets in the mail box, I've been wondering who bought them for her. She assumed that I had bought them, so I agreed. We've became closer. I called Kendra to tell her good morning. It was the gentleman thing to do.

Kendra- "Hey you." She said only he other end.

Ricky- "Good Morning."

Kendra- "good morning to you too".z I smiled.

Ricky- "Are you ready for today?" We've got a lot to do before the concert. And then I have something else for you afterwards."

Kendra- "wow, you're doing a lot for me like we've been together for years... I like that about you."

Ricky- I blushed. Glad she couldn't see me. "Thanks. So be ready in about an hour to get this day started?"

Kendra- "YES!!" I heard the excitement in her voice.

Ricky- I laughed to her reaction. "Ok."

Kendra's POV

Like he had promised, Ricky was at my house in an hour. I opened the door.

Ricky- "Ready to go, babe?"

Kendra- "Absolutely." I said, and i grabbed my keys and locked the door behind me. Ricky led me to his car and we started the perfect day.

Thirty minutes later we were at a music store across town. But not just any music store; this store had Jonas EVERYTHING! I turned to look at Ricky smiling do hard. He motioned me into the store. I didn't hesitate . About an hour later, we left with anything that could be Jonas related. I don't remember how much he spent on me but he had said:

Ricky- "get whatever you want."

And I did as he said. The backseat was packed with all things Jonas. I looked at him feeling kind of embarrassed. I was totally fangirling.

Kendra- "I'm sorry about all the stuff."

Ricky- "it's cool. You're my girl, and I like whatever you like." He said.

Kendra- "cool." He turned up the radio. When we were back on our side of town he turned the radio down.

Ricky- "Hey, wanna go eat before we go back to my house? I don't know about you but "fangirling" is s little bit overwhelming."

Kendra- "sure." I laughed. I wondered what else Ricky had in store the rest of the day. We went to Portillo's downtown. After eating, Ricky and I had a great time downtown. We walked on the beach , which was something I never thought that I would ever do. After the beach, we went shopping.

Ricky- "since you're seeing your other boyfriends tonight , why not get a sexy outfit to impress all four of us?" I had looked confused. Four ? Then I thought about Kevin, Joe, and Nick. Of course. I knew that. I ran after him as he walked to the sidewalk and put on his shoes. I did the same, we went to the stores and I found the perfect thing to wear. Ricky didnt really know how to do these things, so he let me do all the looking and choosing. As we walked out the store. It was 5pm. Joa, time went by fast.

Ricky- "Come on"

Kendra- "Where are we going now?" I asked as he took my hand and led me to the car.

Ricky- "My house.

When we pulled into his driveway, we got out. I had never been in his house before, but he had been in mine thousandths of times. I was kind of nervous. He unlocked the door and took off jus jacket, then reached for mine.

Ricky- "I would give you a tour, but the concert's in an hour and a half." I nodded. He went upstairs and I followed him to a gray-ish room at the end of the hall. I guessed it was his, considering the fact that there was a guitar and a piano in it. I walked in and admired the room. He was just looking at me.

Kendra- "What?"

Ricky- "Come here" he grabbed me and looked me in the eyes. I stared at his gray eyes as he stared in mine. As he brushed the side of my cheek with his finger, I shivered. He smiled and I smiled back. He pressed his body against mine as he leaned his head down and kissed me. He pulled away to see my reaction. I opened my eyes slowly and he was looking at me. I blushed. He knew that was my first kiss and he didn't want to do a lot for the first time.

Kendra- "wow, that was-" he kissed me again, holding me tightly. He kissed me longer and I felt my knees buckle. I'm guessing he did too, because he layer me down on the bed. And pecked my lips softly. 'That was AMAZING!'I thought to myself. He looked at me.

Kendra- "what?"

Ricky-"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to make everything perfect, leading up to your first kiss , so it can be memorable. Considering your reaction, I'm guessing that it is."

Kendra- "thank you so much, you went through all this for my first kiss. That means a lot."

Ricky- "I know .. I'm the perfect boyfriend.."

I paused for a second.

Kendra- "Yes, yes you are", I said as I leaned up on my elbows and started kissing him again.

Ricky's POV

It was 7pm. After Kendra and I were finished, we headed to the concert. Concerts never start on time,I had time to go get snacks.

Ricky- "hey, I'm going to get snacks, want any?"

Kendra- "Nahh."

After I got back from the snack bar, they were about to come out on stage. The lights dimmed and their shadows were shown behind some type of wall. As they walked out, everyone began screaming including Kendra. I covered my ears.

Joe- "hi guys, I'm Joe."

Kevin- " I'm kevin."

Nick- " and I'm Nick". Kendra screamed louder when Nick spoke into the mic.

All 3- "and we're the Jonas Brothers!" They began playing a song called First Time. Kendra spoke to me.

Kendra: "hey could you put me in your neck ?"

Ricky- " sure, I said." Anything to make her happy. I stood up with her on my neck. and by us being in the first row, Kendra could jump on the stage if she wanted to, but she didnt. We were by Nick's side of the stage. I saw him look at Kendra and smile very hard while singing at the same time.. But I didn't think any thing of it , because she's just a fan to him. Right?

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