Chapter 1 - The Award Ceremony

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Camp Half-Blood

Perseus Jackson, that was the name given to me.

It wasn't given to me just because it sounded cool, no, it was given to me with a reason.

That's because I'm the son of Poseidon, a half-blood if you will.

Now you'd be wondering, why Perseus? Wasn't he the son of Zeus. Yes, he was, but he also had the only happy ending out of all the demigods in the legends.

I look around the cabin, sitting on a bed in the corner of the cabin. It has been 2 days since we defeated Gaea. 2 days from Leo's death. I feel myself break down, tears welling up in my eyes. I had caused a lot of deaths.

My friends, they should have lived longer, gone to college, found love. But they all died, because of me. I can't take it anymore. If only I had been faster, if I had been stronger, I could have done something to protect them.

The name Perseus didn't suit me. It was tarnishing the name of the real Perseus.

I haven't seen daylight after we had burnt the shrouds. Being alone in the Poseidon cabin provided me with time to think and be in peace.

Right then I got a letter. I opened it and it read, 'You have been invited to Olympus for defeating Gaea at 7 p.m.'

"Are you kidding me?" I mumbled underneath my breath. Do these gods seriously have no shame. All they do is sit on their thrones and act all high and mighty. They don't care about us. To them, we're an insignificant speck in their immortal lives.

I sigh, knowing that I'll have to attend as being a part of the Seven.

What will everyone even be wearing?

I decided on the only tux I had, the only one mom had sent with me after a lot of forcing.

I finally thanked my mom for it.

Half an Hour Later


Slowly all of us started to arrive. I looked around and saw my wise girl.

She was wearing the prettiest dress I've ever seen. It was a gray dress which really complimented her eyes.

All of us had assembled by our cabins. The chatter made me a little uncomfortable but it was alright.

Then Zeus struck his lightning bolt, irritation clearly on his face, causing us to look at him. I muttered under my breath, "Drama queen".

Then he said, "Demigods, today we are here to award you all for your outstanding bravery. All the demigods who fought in both wars will be granted partial immortality."

"The Seven, except Leo Valdez who sacrificed himself for us, if they choose to accept it, will be given the gift of godhood."

"Lord Zeus, I have a suggestion."

All eyes turned towards the person who spoke.

"Yes, Frank Zhang?" Zeus asked the voice who spoke up.

"May I ask that we all submit our answers after discussing it with each other."

"And why should I allow that?"

"Lord, we all have our significant others as well as our friends. Please can we do that?"

"Alright, I will allow it. Make sure not to disappoint me with your answers."

We all discussed amongst ourselves if we were to say yes, and after a lot of back and forth, we decided that Annabeth and I would reject godhood while everyone else would accept it.

All of us personally went up to the council to let Zeus know of our decision, and as discussed, I denied godhood.

"Demigods, your heroes have given us their decision." Zeus thundered.

The entire council room fell silent.

"Demigods, please welcome,

Jason Grace, God of storms and rainfall."

"Piper Mclean, Goddess of natural beauty."

"Frank Zhang, God of shapeshifting."

"Hazel Lavesque, Goddess of precious metals and gemstones."

Everybody started clapping and cheering them on.

"And demigods, last but not least, we have Annabeth Chase, Goddess of Architecture, and battle strategies."

I could feel the blood draining my face. I stood there, shocked, while everyone cheered them on.

"Perseus Jackson, due to your outstanding courage and bravery and for saving our godly asses two times, I am sure the entire council agrees on it, we not only offer you godhood but give you a seat on the Olympian council."

Gasps could be heard all around the Council room. I still hadn't gotten over the shock of what had happened.

"Perseus Jackson, what is your answer?" I finally snapped back to reality to see Zeus running out of patience.

"Thank you for your offer, Lord Zeus, but I have to decline." At this Zeus thundered, "We offer you such a position and you decline it."

"With all due respect Lord, I want to die and see my friends who are waiting in Elysium, so, I ask for three wishes." I replied.

"Again, Perseus Jackson?" Zeus asked me.

"Yes, lord Zeus." I replied.

"Alright, sea spawn, we will grant you three wishes, as long as it is in our power, this is I swear on the Styx."

"I would like you to give Lady Hestia, and Lord Hades a permanent place on the council. They are the eldest born and deserve to be heard, and make key decisions."

The entire council, along with the demigods nodded their heads in agreement.

Zeus shot me a glare but he snapped his fingers and two thrones appeared out of nowhere.

"Lord Zeus, I would like to utilize the remaining two wishes at a later date, if that's alright with the council."

"You make a lot of requests, Perseus. Demigods, and fellow gods. I believe we all should take a page out of Perseus's book and be better." Zeus lectured everyone.

"I haven't done anything special, Lord Zeus. I believe anybody in my situation would have done the same."

"Perseus, please learn to take compliments." Lady Hestia scolded me.

"I will try Lady Hestia." I replied with a grin.

The rest of the night went by in a blur as we all partied and danced till the sun rose.

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