Chapter 4 - Going insane each and every second

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"Perseus Jackson, for aiding Gaea and Kronos in the wars we are banishing you to Tartarus. Goodbye!"


Planet Zircon

I was walking through the streets of Ion city, the capital city of Zircon, the planet I created. There was a military coup by the general of the army and I am assassinating him. 

He was gonna give a speech to the public on 'if you betray me I will have your head' and 'nobody can go against me'.

I was on the roof of a small building and I notched an arrow in my bow and released it.

It hit his leg and he fell. I teleported to him and he screamed at me, "Who are you! Guards kill him."

With a single twirl of my fingers, they fell down, unconscious. I walked to where he was and unsheathed my sword, Death Bringer, and held it at his neck. Most of the people who knew the sword gasped. 

He asked me, sweating with fear and paling at the sight of the sword, "Wh-where did you g-get that sword from?". I just glared at him and pulled down my hood. Now everyone gasped. He told me, "lo-lord, to what do I owe this pleasure." I replied, "Oh nothing, just wanted to kill you.

Well, I guess you know what you've done, so, blah blah blah I arrest you for blah blah blah, and your sentence is instant death." And then I sliced his head off. I looked back to see everyone bowing to me. 

After telling them not to bow, I heard a girl ask her mother, "Mom, why were we bowing?"

Her mother then replied, "He is lord Cedmi, son of Chaos and Order, the creators of their respective universes. He is one of the strongest people in the universe."

I looked at the girl and walked towards her. The mother apologized to me, "Sorry if I offended you sir. Please don't hurt my daughter." I looked at the girl and smiled.

Right at that time, a council meeting was summoned. I ran my hand through my  hair, sighed, and then teleported to right outside the council room.

So it has started. Right at that time my brother, Beginning teleported next to me. "Hey brother, what's up?" He asked me.

He was wearing a clown costume, which was normal for me as his job in the mortal world was as a clown. I rolled my eyes and walked in.

My eyes flickered to Gaia, Tartarus, and Nyx's throne. It had been a long time since they had been corrupted and it took me a long time to bring the 'real them' back.

The river of corruption had let out a huge amount of corruption that was able to take over them. I strongly suspected and still suspect that someone from my family was helping Corruption and had a hand in this.

I went to my throne and saw the seraphim and the army standing in the middle of the room.

Right then my mother flashed in and sat on her thrones and this was accompanied by all the remaining Primordials.

3 hours later

My mother, Chaos, told me that I was excused from this meeting but I needed to come back when they called me.


Mount Olympus

Apollo was screaming something at me. The last thing I remember is I was with the hunt and had a headache after eating my food and suddenly ended up on here.

I looked over to see Zeus and Poseidon in the same condition as me, Athena was nearly crying and the rest of the Olympians had their eyes wide open and jaws touching the floor.

I was surprised. I tried to get a few words out of my mouth but they came out all raspy and distorted. I felt bad and vomited. The same thing happened to Poseidon and Zeus.


Primordial Council Room

As Cedmi left with his cloak flowing backward and crown on his head, I just couldn't help but admire him, he was tall, handsome with his blue eyes and brown hair, his jawline was strong, and muscles well defined.

He was the type of guy girls would swoon over. He was scarred. He had killed so many people, remembering all their faces, each time losing a part of him.

The only people who helped him were us, his family, and friends who stood in the council room. 

What I didn't know was that we all were going to hurt him so much in the future, killing him more as loyalty is his fatal flaw.

Chaos started, "Now onto the important stuff, we are here to discuss Cedmi's punishment." To say I was shocked was an understatement. "What evidence do you have that he committed such crimes, Mother!", Beginning yelled. 

"Well Beginning, the members of the Seraphim, Adrian, and Emmeline have given us proof."

The seraphim? I'm pretty sure Adrian might have done this as he was only a stuck-up pompous brat and wanted all the attention to himself, but Emmeline? She was Cedmi's girlfriend, how could she betray him, but I for a fact knew she had cheated on him with Adrian.

Cedmi knew about this and acted as if he does not know about it. He was acting colder and colder every day. "So, he will be banished. " Order ordered. Right at that time, Cedmi teleported back.


Primordial Council Room

My cold facade wasn't going to last. I was chained and taken to the front of my parents' thrones. They both got up and slapped, punched, and kicked me. They took out a dagger and started stabbing me.

My mother was muttering, or what I thought was muttering, "This will teach you to never betray us." By this time others had joined in.

Chronos and Ananke showed me all of the bad times I had. Every moment of my past that they knew would break me.

They carved words into my body. My clothes were torn. My bloodlust was about to take control any moment now. I fought it so hard. 

But at last, everyone parted ways for the members of the seraphim. Each of them came forward and punched me or kicked me. David, who was my best friend kicked me so hard my ribs broke.

Then came Adrian. He punched me and broke my nose. Then finally it was Emmeline, I knew she wasn't going to come and help me or do anything for me.
She just slapped me so hard that my jaw got dislocated. She then went back to Adrian and kissed him.

All of them were looking at me to be surprised or start crying. But no, I started to laugh.

I was in so much pain, my leg was twisted, my right shoulder and jaw were dislocated, and my nose and many other bones were broken.

I was laughing so hard people looked at me like I was mad. I subdued my bloodlust and looked at them.

I sighed and looked at the fates. They just nodded. My parents disowned me cutting off all ties to me except blood. Then they banished me to the void. Perfect.

"Goodbye, the people I called my family. You all will learn of the truth very soon. And when you do, you will never find me. And I swear this on your name mother, I will never shed a drop of blood in your name again."

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