Chapter 8 (Part - II) - The Legend of Spasménos

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"And who's the new patron of the Protarchikós squad?"

"It's still you."


Haneda Airport, Tokyo

"So, what's the situation in Zernath?"

"It's peaceful for now. Xirentia is divided, Xion is stricter than ever, and Xena is under protests."

"That's bad. Especially with Xion."

"Sorry but why is being stricter with the military bad? Isn't it better?" Perseus asked me.

I had explained the system of the Primordials to Perseus before. Xirentia is where the Primordial Council and the Tribunal resides. Xion is the military headquarters, and Xena is the Residential, Commercial and Industrial region.

"Not in that sense Perseus. It's stricter in the sense of their loyalty to me."

"Their sense of loyalty to you?" He asked me, puzzled.

"Yeah, those in power up there have a serious case of Paranoia, and rightfully so. But they just catch the wrong people and then have to let them go when it turns out they are innocent." Akari answered for me.

We got into the car that Akari had led us to.

"Where to then?"


"Aah, Shibuya!"

"So, where's the Earth division's HQ at? I won't mind paying a visit later on." I asked.

"Is it somewhere here in the Orient? Or perhaps the Levant. Balkans? Baltic?Iberians? Or maybe Africa?" I continued.

She remained silent.

"Ah yes, I forgot, the spell I made. It doesn't allow you to reveal it right?"

She nodded.

Perseus listened on to the conversation while having his earphones on. He was recording but was being sneaky about it.

He's a smart kid.

Akari hadn't taken notice of this and continued to look on the road.

"It's in the US, isn't it. And that too near LA. You guys should have hidden yourselves somewhere where you couldn't have been found." I told Akari.

The panic in her eyes was noticeable as she started to sweat.

"Continue on, I won't do anything, for now."

The rest of the ride was a silent one.

We reached Shibuya station where we got off and were on our own.

"She's a double agent." I informed Percy.

"I had my doubts." Percy muttered under his breath.

I chuckled lightly.

"How do you know she won't go and tell someone?" He asked me.

"Cause I used the same spell she was talking about."

"And are you sure it'll work, like are you sure nobody can get around it."

"There is one person, but he's standing right next to you so, no, I don't think so."

The Assassin in the Shadows; Book One: The Betrayed HeroesWhere stories live. Discover now