Chapter 7 (Part - I) - I'd Rather Die

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I needed to be careful, this went horribly wrong. I don't want there to be the hierarchy and the entire Multiversal Peacekeeping Force chasing after me again.

But Percy was in for the worst period of his life till now, I need to be there for him, help him get back up to his feet. But I wonder when I will be able to do that.

Third Person


"Hmmph!" Artemis lay there on the ground, groaning in pain. Nobody dared to go near her to help her.

Perseus lay on the opposite end, nearly dead, exhausted, barely holding on to consciousness. Suddenly he felt all his injuries heal.

"Thanks, Ced." He muttered beneath his breath. He then got up, groaning and breathing heavily.

He walked over to Artemis, giving her his hand. She took it, surprising everyone. Only a few knew that The Hero Of Olympus was the only male Artemis always ever respected.

The topic of Orion was tricky and every interpretation was stupid. Artemis initially thought she liked Orion but in reality she was only amazed by his hunting skills. It was easier to confuse the feelings for someone who had never felt it before.

But Orion, who was head over heels in love with her, decided to take his chance, making subtle advances every time, and Artemis being the innocent person she is, didn't notice this.

After a few months, Artemis was roaming around the streets of the Original Mt. Olympus when she heard some passerby's gossiping with each other.

"Did you hear that Merope was raped by that Giant, Orion."

"Yes, poor Oenopion, had to go into hiding due to Orion. But he did manage to blind Orion."

"He's now under the protection of Artemis. I swear that bastard son of Poseidon will meet his end in these coming days. The fates may never be kind to wrong doers and always hold the light of Justice which blinds the Darkness of Sin."

Artemis had anger bubbling in her chest. How dare these mere spirits spew lies. She made a fist and decided to confront them both when she was stopped by a voice.

"You do know they are telling the truth, then why do you hold anger towards them?"

"Who are you, show yourself. You are in the presence of an Olympian."

"Calm down Artemis. You are too blinded by the Awe and Fascination towards his skills that make you unbelieving."

"Orion is one of the best males I have ever seen, and you are nothing like him."

"Dear Artemis, you haven't even known me for a minute. The moon is beautiful today. Doesn't it fascinate you?"

"It do-does." Artemis stuttered out, trying to hide the red tint her cheeks had acquired. She was basically a lunar deity, symbolized with the moon, and this stranger was basically complimenting her.

He didn't notice it at all and focused on the moon. "So sad that the day the moon turns red," Artemis blushed more, "will be the start of the world's end."

"What do you mean?" Artemis asked him. She was puzzled. What did he mean that the world would end. Artemis sent a thoughtful gaze towards the moon.

"Did you just tell me another prophecy, or was that some made up shit." She asked him, but no reply was heard. She looked back to the alley in which he had been standing, but there was no one. Artemis pondered over his words, but dismissed it as fancy poetic words and forgot about it, like her anger towards the spirits.

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