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New York

He took deep breaths to take in what was in front of him. The wind rustled the grass. The slight noise of the flowing river reached his ear.

It was the month of September in Brooklyn. The weather was a bit chilly, but there was something wrong. He could feel it, he could feel it travel down his spine, supplying chills he had felt only a few times in his life.

The wind supplied him with a feel he had only felt in some battles. You could see it slightly near his collarbone, the scar that ran across his chest.

Making their way towards a certain park in Manhattan, he was with his friend.

Both so young, yet their eyes carried a different story. They had seen stuff not even a veteran had. Their hands stained with blood and ichor.

Mortals would not stay sane if they even saw half of what they had seen. Yet, they had kept going, living with heartbreak, guilt, depression and broken loyalties, cause it was what was right.

Someone had to take the weight of the world, and these two had taken it up to them to do it.

The scars they carried, and the scars that had faded, the wounds which had healed and the wounds that they still have all were a constant reminder to those that they wouldn't stop at any cost.

They were going to carry on, face any danger that they had never faced previously with courage. Show no emotions, no faltering in a battle with the deadliest foes.

The sound of the East River was drowned out by the sounds of all the vehicles bustling along.

"How long will it take?" He heard his friend, his partner, ask him. "30ish minutes, Its around 3 mile away from here.", he replied.

By this point they were on the Manhattan bridge. 

They could feel that something was off with the wind. Something, something big was gonna happen today. They had to get the kid out of harms way. 

They started to run, knowing that time was running short, completely ready to parkour their way out of there. 

"We'll jump off at Division street instead of taking the turn to Bowery, from there follow Chatham Square onto Worth street. Columbus Park is in front of the southern New York district court right? So, from there to Centre Street and park row, Broadway, Futon Street and then we somehow get to liberty Street and we are there." He asked his companion. His voice carried urgency and made it very clear that they where in a hurry.

They reached the place, Pumphouse Park, in half an hour. The people of New York were no strangers to people running around, after all, this is one of the biggest cities in the world, so everyone is in a hurry.

They entered the place and started searching for them.

"Ah! Battery Place, been a long time since I've been here." He told his friend.


They were right there, in plain sight, oblivious to any danger. The mother and the son. 

"There they are, let's get 'em out of here!" His friend told him enthusiastically.

His friend started running towards them, but he just put his hand in his path, stopping him effectively.

"What?" His friend asked him. "They're unsuspecting, if we run, we might scare them. They don't even know us."

"I understand your excitement and hurry to see her after such a long time, but I suggest I walk and ask them calmly. You stay back and watch for any signs of danger."

He walked slowly towards them and then tapped the woman on her shoulder.

"Hello, are you by any chance Sally Jackson?"


"Yes, may I ask who's asking?" She asked him.

"We mean no harm, Sally Jackson. Not to you, nor to Percy."

"Who are you and what do you want? And who is this we?"

"I am here by my own will, not of the Gods. The Olympians are foolish, destroying innocent lives. But as much as I hate it, even I should not meddle with fate. I am a primordial, and that is my friend, he is a demigod, but for reasons I cannot disclose, his name must stay a secret."

"Milord, forgive me for my disrespect, I did not mean to offend you. May I ask what you are doing here?"

"Today is a flux point. A major point in history at which if even the littlest thing is messed with, the fate of the entire world will change. An event that can alter the course of time and space. Doing this the wrong way will destroy the space-time continuum and this reality will simply just fade away."

"But what does this have to do with Percy?" She asked him. Percy was currently playing with some other friends. 

"You can see through the mist, can't you?" She nodded.

"Well it's about time." He told her, his eye on his watch.

"You see that? Tell me what it is?" He asked her

"It's a plane?" She replied, unsure.

"Look again." He told her.

"That's some sort of a winged creature."

"That, is an Assilias, a kind of a dragon, and it is striking where the Olympians expect in least. On their own home turf." He informed her.

"And how does that matter to us?" She asked him, malice and hatred in her voice.

"Hundreds of people die, and you both would be included in a long list if we don't get out of here. My friend here will get you away from here and I'll fight the Assilias."

"Hey!!! I also want to fight." His friend told him.

"I'm sorry, but you have to lead them to safety." He told his friend.

Exactly at that moment, the winged creature flew into the World Trade Center.

"Well, that's my cue. Get out of here, FAST!"

He leaped up into the air and out of his back two black feathered wings came out.

He took off and summoned his swords, Light and Dark into his hands.

He spun around with them, looking like a spiral of death.

The Assilias which slammed into the North tower was easily taken out by him.

They both were flung out into the Hudson.

The mud, grime and dirt that covered his face almost made him puke. Humans have been destroying their natural resources for too long now. It almost made him want to stop and let the Assilias kill them all.

He jumped out victorious, but just then, he heard a terrifying screech. A fully grown Assilias, here, it was impossible. The seraphim must have noticed this.

All he knew was that it was only one small Assilias that destroyed both the towers and been so hurt, that it crashed into the Hudson, but now it all makes sense.

There was someone inside of the Seraphim, someone who was pulling on the strings, thinking they could make puppets of us. 

He has to get to the root of this.

The Assassin in the Shadows; Book One: The Betrayed HeroesWhere stories live. Discover now