Chapter 8 (Part - I) - The Legend of Spasménos

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I looked up to the clear sky, wondering who all were seeing the sky too. Maybe she was too.

I took a deep breath, trying to gather all my emotions together, but it was just too much. I got overwhelmed, and a cold trickle of my tears rolled down my cheek.

I knew that I had to get used this, but it all just felt so hard, I feel so shitty that I can't even put it in words.

I conjured a beer out of the fridge back home using a trick Cedmi had taught me, and popped it open.


1 Month Ago

After finishing the drink, I jumped off my branch and walked back towards the makeshift camp.

I checked my surroundings before entering my tent and removed the device I found with the weird looking monster called Assil- something I can't remember the name of.

It was a Black Icosahedron, with golden carvings and all.

I didn't know how it started then and it looked like it would take me some time to figure it out.

I put it into my pocket and forget about it.

I woke up the next day. The kid had already woken up. His name was Mark, and he was a son of Hermes.

Kenaya Scerlek

Xion, Planet Xernath

I woke up with a start, the nightmare passing. I was sweating and it felt hot.

I freshened up, got my shit together and walked out of my room. With noises of the daily musings of the Multiversal Military personnel stationed at Xion.

The streets were bustling with chatter and festivities. It was soon going to be Victory Day, the day we defeated Karles. I was just a foot soldier back then, but my brave actions gained me distinction from the Seraphim, mainly from him and promoted to Alpha Squad.

Now, I am a distinguished part of the Seraphim.

I finally reached the Multiversal Peacekeeping headquarters in Xion.

People stared. People always stared. That was another side of being a member of the Seraphim now-a-days. Hate. Hate towards the Seraphim.

After we betrayed him..... after he left, the Seraphim had fallen from being the Best Squad of the Forces and now, the Protarchikós Squad, the squad handpicked by him, is the best.

Chaos and Order, both hadn't seen the truth, and now are too paranoid to see the truth.

David and Adrian, they were now the best of friends.

Adrian, that asshole. I realized the only thing scaring Adrian was him. Nearly 3 months after we betrayed him, Adrian had tried to rape me.

I was drunk then, but what he tried to do sobered me up. It was one of the most horrifying experiences I have had in my entire life.

I was about to castrate him but both Chaos and Order saved him by saying he knows too much and we don't want to increase his chances of going to the other side.

As I passed by his statue in the courtyard, my hands curled up into fists.

Why aren't you here to tell me it'll be alright?

Why aren't you here to let me cry in your arms, cause that was the only space I felt alright?

Why aren't you here Cedmi?


1 Year Ago


"Spasménos? What kind of a name is that?"

"The broken kind?"

"I know what it means, Perseus!"


"Well, it's being talked about a lot on Olympus."

"I don't care about them."

"Well, even if they are a bunch of assholes, acting all high and mighty, you should. Imagine Spasménos as your brand. You have to create a favorable impression about it if you want to strike fear into the hearts of wrongdoers."

"Yeah, alright whatever."

"Perseus, this path that you're treading, not many have walked upon it. It twists your mind, puts you through horrifying situations, losses, and in the end you're gone. Just gone. So, never forget who you are here and here." I told him, poking his heart and then his forehead.

"Does it hurt?"

"It does, a lot, but nothing you can't get out of."

He gave out a sigh and got up.

"What's the next mission?"

"Yuki Nakamura, Demigod, 15, Female, Shibuya, Tokyo. Daughter of Amaterasu, lives God knows where, studies at Shibuya Junior and Senior High School."

"So what's the problem?"

"First, She's 15. Second, she's pretty much bullied. Third, she's by mortal standards, really hot. Fourth, she's practically terrorized by monsters every day. Fifth, she has a step-mother worse than smelly Gabe. Ughhhh!"

"So now what?"

"We gonna have Sushi!"





"Never mind, you can have it, but I won't."

"Yeaaah, less go!"

"Well I guess we're going back to Japan."

3 Days Later

Flying to Japan was maybe not a good decision. We were exhausted and I was experiencing fluctuations in my power for being in another pantheon's domain.

"Welcome to Japan, High Lord Cedmi, and Lord Perseus."

"No need for the honorifics, and you are?"

"I'm Akari. Ethan sent me, he knows you are here. I've been ordered to take you where you wanna go."

I sighed. Ethan, that asshole, if he knows, everyone does and if everyone does, she might too.

"This is a development. Do you have any knowledge of who else knows of me being on Earth. From the Aether squad, of course, assuming you're from there."

"Only Ethan, Skye and the one who hates himself."

"And the seraphim? None hopefully."

"That's the thing, someone does."

"And who's the new patron of the Protarchikós squad?"

"It's still you."

The Assassin in the Shadows; Book One: The Betrayed HeroesWhere stories live. Discover now