Chapter 2 - This kid steals my sword

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"Thank you for your offer lord Zeus, but, I decline."


Camp Half-Blood

It has been 2 months since the award ceremony and it feels like Annabeth and I are drifting apart. She's been too busy designing the palaces for the other new minor gods.

I am sinking further into depression. I was trying different things to fill this growing space between us and I am now thinking did I do something wrong. Did I say something? Or was Annabeth just doing this for power.

I mean all the things point to it. Her fatal flaw is hubris. She is the daughter of Athena, No offense Athena.

In the first war, she gave me that look that I thought was because she liked me too but was it that I was being offered godhood and not her so she couldn't allow it to happen.

No no no I shouldn't doubt her, she's my girlfriend. I love her and she loves me too. Or does she? Ugh stupid ADHD, shut up, she's my girlfriend.

So, I've been trying to keep my mind off this, so, I am training the younger campers on how to fight with a sword and I have been waiting for quests and stuff like that.

4 months later

Today is the day that Annabeth is taking a vacation and coming back to camp for a day. It's early morning and I am on border duty.

I can't stop grinning today. When I was thinking about what to do with Annabeth a scream sounding like that of a little five-year-old got me out of my thoughts.

I quickly run towards the place where the sound came from and nearly got a heart attack when this 18-year-old jumped out of this bush and was pleading with me to spare his life and take the satyr who was following him.

I was just surprised and then got a good look at him. He had blond hair and blue eyes. He was still pleading with me when I saw the satyr who was running and there were 5 hellhounds and 2 dracaena behind him.

I quickly uncapped Riptide and killed the monsters. When I reached the dracaena they told me to leave as this didn't concern me.

And the next moment they were gold dust. I then turned to the kid but then he pushed me and took Riptide. The next moment many campers came running.

Then a lightning bolt sign came above his head. Chiron said, "All hail," "Derek Greggory" "Derek Greggory, son of Zeus"

He then said, "Bow to me as I am the son of the king of the gods." I cringed at this and to my surprise, everyone did bow to him. But I didn't and he came up to me and said, "Bow to me as I am the heir to the throne of Olympus and I saved you".

I laughed at him and replied, "I only bow to those who I respect and you aren't the heir to Olympus and I saved you while you begged me to kill Sam, the satyr instead of you." The last part I said in anger.

Then he started bragging that there were a hundred monsters and I handed him the sword with which he killed the monsters and all that while I was just standing there with an 'Oh, he didn't die' face, while the satyr and I were just surprised that he would accuse me.

All the new campers looked at me disgusted and the older ones were confused about whose side to take.

Then Chiron asked the Satyr while showing me an angry face, "Sam, is he telling the truth?" I went to interrupt, "Chiron, he's lying" when Chiron screamed at me, "Jackson, am I talking to you?" "No Chiron," I replied.

Then Sam spoke, "Yes sir, Percy is telling the truth, Derek is lying. Percy killed all the monsters." Then Derek growled,

"You! I saved you while this pathetic excuse for a demigod just looked at me and waited for me to die." Derek practically yelled the last part, when Annabeth came running, "What's happened Chiron. I just arrived and couldn't find you anywhere."

Then Derek being the piece of crap he is said, "Hey beautiful, I just killed hundreds of monsters while this kid just stood there and watched."

I thought Annabeth would kick him where Apollo doesn't shine but to my surprise, she just blushed.

I was angry at this kid's guts and I was about to yell at him when she said, "Jackson, is this the truth." She spoke my name as an insult. I replied," No, Annabeth, he-" when I was cut off by her, "It's lady Annabeth to you Jackson" she spat my name.

"Wise girl, he is lying. I fought the monsters while he cried like a little 5-year-old and begged me to spare his life and then he pushed me and stole Riptide."

"What did I ask you to call me? And Sam is what Jackson telling the truth?" she growled.

"Ye-ye-yes, my lady." I could tell that he was scared of her. She turned towards Derek and saw a small cut on his arm and started, "Oh my god! a cut. I must take you to the infirmary." And she glared at me and took him to the infirmary.

I turned to Chiron and he told me with a look of disbelief and pity on his face and said, "I'll talk to her, Jackson!" he spat my name and walked, or trotted away? I really don't know. Ugh, shut up stupid ADHD!

I, while eating lunch, got an Idea. I would propose to Annabeth I just needed to get Lady Athena's blessing. That was the hard part.

So, after finishing lunch, I asked Chiron for permission to go to Olympus for something very important. He said yes and told Argus to take me to the empire state building.

I reached there and asked the doorman to give me the key to the 600th floor. He then replied, "go away kid, there is no 600th floor."

I was very angry about the thing that happened earlier, so, I, well, I threatened the desk attendant to give me the key, listened to Apollo's music selection, and then people on the streets of Olympus staring at me with their mouths opened and after asking hundreds of people where Athena's palace is, reaching it, talking to the guard to let me in, asking the cook to tell me where lady Athena is and trying to find her in the biggest library in the whole universe, I finally found her.

"Good afternoon lady Athena," I said in a polite tone.

She replied, "What do you want sea scum."

I told her, "I umm.....there's no easy way to say this, I am here to ask you for your blessing to marry your daughter Lady Athena."

"Sea scum, I will not allow you to" at this moment she was screaming with anger. So much for being in a library.

At this point an idea came into her mind "ok sea spawn, you have to train with the Amazonians and then get the apples of immortality by defeating Ladon to marry my daughter, Annabeth. I will meet you here in a week. See you later sea spawn." And at this note, she flashed me out of her palace.

I stood there in shock trying to comprehend what just happened, and a few words escaped my mouth, "what the -"

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