Chapter 6 - I'm Back Losers!!!!!

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No wonder they've been sent by Chaos. That's the only way you can explain all the stealthiness they had.

"It isn't going to be Kenaya", I tell myself and take a deep breath. I then sigh.

"What do you want now, Nightshade."


Two Years Later


I was on a mission from Cedmi to retrieve a stolen item from deep inside Yellowstone.

Monsters hiding an artifact inside my backyard. Cedmi should really put up a sign saying 'trespassers will be prosecuted.'

It was barely eight in the December cold and the sun had just risen. Heavy mist surrounded me, blocking my view of what lay ahead. I cautiously made my way to Yellowstone lake.

It's been two years since I moved into Cedmi's house. He had come back the day after and had started to train me. But he used to disappear for a few days, sometimes weeks

We had been on many missions and trips around the world, training, fighting, laughing.

Cedmi's needs were very simple, for someone who had lived in luxury, for being Chaos's son and he was able to adjust himself to all kinds of odd conditions, whether it was an ill-equipped circuit house or a makeshift canvas tent.

Cedmi was also a really good storyteller. He could weave out endless stories and anecdotes on varied subjects.

Cedmi also had an amazing capacity to produce vegetables and cooking ingredients, seemingly out of nowhere, in the middle of a desolate landscape with no shops visible for miles around.

He would miraculously conjure up the most delicious dishes made with fresh vegetables within an hour of arriving at the zinc-sheet shelter at the new campsite.

He would be up early in the morning and leave for work after breakfast, carrying some prepared food with him.

It would be lunchtime by the time he came back. After eating, he would read for a while before dozing off.

After that it was time to run around and find out where those monsters were.

Back to the current mission,

After about an hour of searching, I decided to act as a hiker and go check out a place which no one knew existed, the caves of Yellowstone.

Now, I know there are caves already in Yellowstone, but these ones are the largest by far. In fact, it's so large that it reaches the magma chamber beneath Yellowstone.

And sure enough, there they were.

Getting down there is gonna be easy, they said. But they didn't say that I wouldn't trip and land on my ass on a Stalagmite. That hurts.

I was littered full of cuts and scratches by the time I reached the area where the monsters were.

"Well, the battle is lost even before it was fought." I thought and was turning back.

"It isn't." Cedmi replied cheekily, in my head of course. I looked at myself, watching myself heal my cuts and my body again started to feel energetic again.

"Just great." I mumbled to myself. I readied riptide and first assessed my opponent's strengths and weaknesses.

"27 Dracnae, some Hyperboreans and Laistrygonians, some Ventai and a hydra."

The Assassin in the Shadows; Book One: The Betrayed HeroesWhere stories live. Discover now