Chapter 7 (Part - II) - I'd Rather Die

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To be frank, I had already decided what I wanted to do about this. I looked up at the ceiling of my bedroom, starting to imagine what would be if Anna-she and I were still together.

I imagined her, the way she looked, her smile when I tried to cheer her up, her golden curls waving with the wind and her eyes full of their spark.

I imagined myself, happy, free of the world's expectations, free of my duties as a demigod, free from the world I was so deeply entangled in.

I imagined us, living our perfect life, our children playing in the yard, Mrs. O'Leary playing with them, the sev-all of them with us, at a barbecue night.

I imagined a utopia, something I could never obtain, my own happiness, the way what would happen if the fates weren't cruel.

The world slowly started to fade into black, everything I had ever wished to had fading from view, out of my hands.

My eyes watered as they closed, and it all disappeared.

Am I being too selfish?

Did I ask for too much?



The following day I woke up a bit early, I had to meet Artemis at 5 near Yellowstone lake with my answer.

I made myself some toast and some black coffee, I sat on the couch in front of the fireplace, staring at the fire, I drank my coffee in solitude.

I hear the sound of rain and I turn my head in that direction. The waterdrops ran along the glass window fogging up. 

I pick up my phone and play some music on the large speakers Cedmi has installed everywhere in the house. 

I removed riptide from my pocket, inspecting the ballpoint pen. The memories I had forged with this pen were to much for me to take.

I had tried many times to dispose of it but it always came back, even when I tried to send it back to Zoë up in the stars, but it felt like something was blocking it, like she wasn't accepting it back.

I got up, feeling immensely tired. I decided on taking a swim. 

I went outside, removing my shirt and my pants, letting my scars out. I always felt insecure with them, and I refused to show them to anyone. I dived into the cold water, and sat at the bottom for a while. 

Even after my dad disowned me, I had retained my water powers. But I still felt all the ripples in the water. This made stuff a lot harder. 

I finally surfaced and started swimming around now.

After a while, I decide I was done and got out. I wrapped a towel around myself, and walked towards my room.

On the way I looked at myself in the mirror, something I usually didn't do. Water glistened down my chest. My hair was pulled back, being wet. I was still wearing my Camp Half-Blood necklace, along with the Tattoo on my hand. 

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice a girl stalking behind me, a dagger in her hands. I caught her by the time she was a meter close to me. My eyes widened as I turned. She jumped right at me and I dodged. 

She landed right next to my umm- on all fours and my towel slipped, just a bit, and it didn't show anything, thank the gods.

But Cedmi chose right then to enter the hall. He opened the door, went wide eyes, and quickly closed the door and left.

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