1 month after

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Witney's POV

It's been over a month since I pretty much left Peter at the alter and lots has changed. Me and Mark have decided to forget the 2 months we were apart and pretend it never happened. We also decided to move in together, so we live at my apartment right now, until we need to move or something. Mac's dad showed up out of the blue a few weeks ago. TMZ did a report on the disaster wedding and her dad saw it and saw her. So he found her and now she lives with him. I still haven't talked to my parents but I'm fine with that. If they don't want anything to do with Mark then they don't need anything to do with me.

I woke up and Mark wasn't laying next to me. Which meant I had 15 more minutes cause he was making breakfast. So I fell back to sleep knowing I had nothing to worry about.

Mark's POV

I just finished making breakfast and was about to go wake up Witney and the doorbell rang.
" Who would be here at 7? " I said putting the plates down and walking towards the door. I opened the door to see Witney's mom standing there. " Mrs. Carson what are you doing here? " I said surprised to see her.
" I was wondering if I could talk to Witney. " she said nervously.
" Sure. She's not up yet but I'll go wake her up. Just stay there. " I said and shut the door. I walked back to the room thinking how Witney would react when I told her, her mom was at the door. I walked in the room seeing she was still asleep and she would be mad at me for waking her up, but I would deal with that later.
" Wit wake up." I said quietly.
" I still have 5 minutes! " she said groggily.
" Well not anymore! Your mom is at the door. " I said.
Her head shot up. " What! What is she doing here? " She asked me jumping out of bed.
" I don't know. She said she wanted to talk to you. " I said shrugging.
" Really! " She said and ran out of the room.

Witney's POV

I ran out of the room with Mark following closely behind me.
" Please be nice, she is your mother. " he said.
" Uh huh! " I said.
" Your not listening to me are you? " He said stopping me before the door.
" Nope! " I said reaching for the doorknob. His hand stopped me, he intertwined out fingers and opened the door.

" Mom what are you doing here? " I asked when I saw her.
" I need to talk to you. " she said. " Can I come in? "
" Sure. " I said and moved out of the way so she could come in. I ran into Mark and he just smiled. We walked over to the couch and sat down, I put our hands in my lap and she sat in the chair across from us.
" So what did you want to talk about? " I asked her.
" About the whole wedding thing. " she said quickly.
I saw Mark's eyes widen at even the thought of me marrying someone else.
" What about it. " I said shakily.
" I want you to know that it was not my idea for you to marry Peter. " she said.
I was surprised. That was usually a plan she would make up.
" It was your fathers. He thought it would be better for you if you lived a life in the high society. " she said.
" So does that mean you were against the whole idea? " I said quickly.
" Yes, I never wanted you to marry Peter. I want you to marry him! " She said pointing at Mark.
A huge smile grew on his face and I couldn't help but run over to my mom and hug her.
" The only reason I went along with your fathers plan was cause I wanted to see if you'd defy us and follow your heart. " she said.
" Really? " I said surprised.
" Yes and you did and I'm so proud of you. " she said hugging me again.
" I love you mom! " I said.
" I love you too. Now I know you have to get to work soon so I'll leave you to get ready and I will see you later tonight. " She said getting up.
" Ok see you later. " I said smiling and walked back to the room to get dressed.

" I'll walk you out. " I heard Mark say.
" Thank you. " my mom said.

Mark's POV

" Alright what do you want boy? " Witney's mom asked me as we walked up to her car.
" Why do you think I want something? " I asked her.
" I can see it in your eyes boy. Spit it out. " she said pointing at me.
" Wow Witney wasn't joking you are intimidating. " I said chuckling.
" That's right, now spit it out! " She said firmly.
" Ok I want to propose to Witney, but I want both of her parents aproval. " I said nervously.
" That's the best news I've heard in a long time. " she said smiling. " You'll have to ask her father. When do you finish rehearsals tomorrow? " She asked me opening her car door.
" Uh 7. " I said walking towards the door.
" Ok come over to the house, and you can ask him then. " she said getting in her car.
" Ok, but is it a yes from you? " I asked her.
" Were you listening earlier? " She said.
" Yes. " I said.
" Then there is your answer. I'll see you tomorrow. " she said starting the car and driving away.

I walked back up to the apartment with a huge smile on my face. When I got back to the apartment I was still happy and Witney notice.
" Why are you so happy? " She said with her mouth full.
" No reason. " I said and went to get changed. We had a show tonight and I knew I would be smiling thur the whole thing.

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