Picking The One

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I'm skipping to 3 months before the wedding. Just to warn you guys.

Mark's POV

Witney said she was going on a trip to New York and that I couldn't come, which makes me suspicious. But it is 3 months before the wedding. So that probably means she's going to pick out her dress. Which makes the most sense cause all her bridesmaids and her mom are going. I'm glad she's going away for a few days cause I haven't gotten my tux yet and if she finds out, there my not be a groom at the wedding.

"Ok babe, I'll be back in 3 days and I hope this apartment looks the same when I get back. " she said looking around nervously.
" It will and you have nothing to worry about. " I said lightly rubbing her shoulders.
" It better. " she said giving me one last kiss. " Now I have to catch a plane. " she said opening the door. " Oh yah I almost forgot. There better be a tux hanging in our closet when I get back. " she said sternly and pointed to our room.
" How did you ... " I said confused.
" I'm your fiancé, I know everything. Love you. " she said blowing me a kiss and leaving.

Shit! How the hell did she find out. Whatever now I gotta call Derek.
" Hey man what's up? " He said answering the phone.
" Hey we have to get the guys together and go get our tuxes. " I said grabbing my jacket.
" Why? We said we weren't gonna get 'em until the week before the wedding. " he said confused.
" Yah well Wit found out I don't have a tux yet. She's going out of town for 3 days and she expects to see a tux hanging in our closet when she gets back or who knows what she's gonna do. " I said quickly.
" Ok I'll call them and we'll meet you downtown in 20 minutes. " he said.
" Ok bye. " I said hanging up the phone and leaving.

Witney's POV

The first day we spent in New York was just for the bridesmaids dresses. We had already picked them out we just had to get them fitted. Today is the day I'm mostly excited about. I finally get to choose my own dress.

" You ready to go honey? " My mom said coming out of the bathroom.
" Yep I told the girls to meet us in the lobby. " I said grabbing my purse.
" Alright let's go. " she said and we left.

" Hey Wit you ready? " Brittany said excitingly.
" Yah. Where's Lindsay, Emma and Jenna? " I said looking around the lobby.
" They'll be down in a sec. They weren't finished getting ready went you called. " she said.
" Ok well let's hope they get down here soon or we'll be late for the appointment. " I said then they come out of the elevator.
" Sorry we took so long. " Lindsey said running over and hugging me.
" It's fine. Now come on let's go before we're late. " I said pulling her out of the hotel.

We chose the hotel that was the closest to the dress shop and it was only 5 mins away from it so we walked there. We were right on time thankfully so we could get in the showroom faster. When we finally got into the showroom everyone went their separate to pick dresses they liked and would meet by the dressing room in 5 minutes.

When we all met up again, everyone handed me the dresses they picked out and I brought them back to the dressing room. I tried on every single one and none of them felt right and they all agreed.

When I went back into the dressing room after trying on the last dress, one of the dress assistants came in.
" Oh I'm sorry. I thought no one was in here. " she said.
" No no, it's ok. " I said.
" Ok. Is it ok if I leave this in here? " She said holding up a dress bag.
" Yah that's fine. " I said starting to untie the corset on the dress.
" Some bride just dropped this off cause her wedding was canceled. " she said hanging it up behind me.
" Really? Is it ok if I take a peek at it? " I said walking over to the bag.
" Yah that's fine. If you like it you can buy it cause it's for sale again. " she said and left.

I slowly unzipped the bag and saw the dress. It was the best dress I've seen all day. The dress has ...
I tried it on and showed the girls.
" Oh my god Wit! " Lindsey said.
" Where'd you find that one cause none of us picked it? " Emma said.
" One of the ladies came in and dropped it off cause someone returned it. " I said smoothing out the skirt.
" Honey, I think you found the one. " my mom said standing up.
" I think I did. " I said spinning around and looking in the mirror.
" Alright. Excuse me! " Lindsay said flagging down the dress assistant that gave me the dress.
" Yes. " she said walking over to us.
" She'll take that one. " Lindsay said pointing at me.
" Alright well when your ready just bring it up to counter and I'll ring it up. " she said walking back to the front desk.
" Alright you ready Wit? " Jenna said.
" Yep. " I said coming out of the dressing room back in my normal cloths.
" Ok let's go. " my mom said taking the dress out of my hands.

" Ok so we'll see you January 28th for the final alterations and to pick up the dress up. " the lady said handing me back my card.
" That's right. See you then and thank you. " I said as we left the store. As we were leaving I saw the lady write a note and stick it on the dress bag saying it was already sold.

" Does anyone else want to go home a day early? " I asked the girls when we got outside the shop.
" Yes please. " they all said in unison.
" I already have my bag packed. " Emma said.
" Ok we'll eat lunch and get the next flight back to LA. How does that sound? " My mom said as we walked back to the hotel.
" Perfect. We'll meet in the hotel restaurant in 15 minutes with all our bags and we can head to the airport right after that. " I said when we got in the elevator.
" Ok. " they all said and we went our separate ways.

" Are you happy Witney? " My mom asked me while we were in the elevator with our suitcases.
" More than you can imagine. " I said with a big smile.

And I am! I really am happy. This is one of the best days for me, well it's not for the girl who had to return the dress but it is for me.

Mark's POV

I finally was able to relax today. I didn't have to worry about what Witney was gonna do if she didn't find a tux in the closet when she came home tomorrow cause there was finally one in there. I was off the hook, well for now.

I was sitting in the couch watching tv and my phone started ring. I picked it up and saw Witney was calling me.

" Hey baby, what's up? " I said when I answered the phone.
" Hey change of plans we're coming home today. " she said.
" Ok when does your plane land? " I said sitting up.
" About 15 minutes ago. " she said quickly.
" You guys are already here? " I asked her trying not to choke on my soda.
" Yep I'll be home in 20 minutes. Oh I'd better go before Lindsay strangles someone. Bye. " she said
" Bye. " I said laughing, knowing that Lindsay would actually strangle someone if Witney wasn't there to stop her.

{20 minutes later}

" Hey babe. " she said walking thur the door.
" Hey baby. " I said pecking her lips.
" What's been going on? " She said throwing her purse on the counter.
" Nothing interesting. " I said.
" Good. " she said walking into the hall.
" Where are you going? " I said peeking my head in the hallway.
" To look for something. " she said.
" Your looking to see if my tux is hanging in the closet aren't you? " I said following her into the room.
" Yep! " she said opening the closet.
" You'll be happy to see that it's in there. " I said walking up behind her.
" Well your right it is. So one last thing to worry about. " she said turning to face me.
" Exactly. Now I think I deserve a little reward. " I said kissing her.
" Really? You think you do huh? " She said putting her arms around my neck.
" Yes. " I said smirking.
" Hm? Ok. " she said kissing me.

Let's just say I'm glad nobody came over today. 😉


Yes it is 3:48 am and no I don't care cause I can not fall asleep

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