#He tells you he loves you

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Ashton: After your break up with your boyfriend, you instantly go to your best friend Ashton's place. With tears running down your face you knock on the door, the loudest you can in hope that he is home.
Within seconds the door opens and you see Ashton standing there with a worried look on his face. You look into his eyes, tears and mascara running down your face. "Ashton, can I stay here for a while" you manage to say without choking. "of course y/n, come in" he says as you walked pass him and into the house.
You put your stuff down in his spare bedroom before falling down on the bed and bursting into even more tears. Quickly he runs in and looks at you, curled up in a ball with tears wetting the bed. Softly he lays down next to you and pulls you towards him.
He holds you in his arms before kissing you softly on the head. "He was stupid for letting you go y/n, only a jerk would do that to a beautiful, gorgeous girl he doesn't deserve" he says in attempt to make you stop crying. You nod your head as your tears wet his shirt. "y/n your beautiful and gorgeous to me" you look up at him. "Ash, why do you say that?" You ask him with little chokes. "Because I love you"

Calum: You and Calum had been together for 8 months now, you sat in the apartment you two shared, waiting for Calum to come home from touring the world again.
You pulled your phone out and checked Instagram only to find a photo of your boyfriend and a girl kissing. You look at the photo and comment closely, angrily you turn your phone off and put it down. Suddenly Calum walks through the door.
You get up as if you were about to hug him, only to stand in front of him. "Hey babe, I missed you" he says looking at you with happiness in his eyes. Out of anger you slap him across the face. "You didn't miss me you cheater" you say anger burning in your eyes. "What are you talking about Y/N" he asks in confusion. "How was it kissing Viola? You jerk!" You yell. "Y/N she kissed me, I didn't kiss her back because I don't like her" he says trying to calm you down. "What do you mean Calum? You seemed pretty happy kissing that bitch" you say in complete anger. "Y/N I don't like her or any other girl because I love you"

Michael: You and your boyfriend laid in bed, cuddling each other. Softly you traced your fingers around his tattoos, while he softly kisses you on the forehead and plays with your hair. "Mikey?" You say in a quiet voice. "Yeah babe, what's wrong?" He says in his morning voice. "Can we stay like this all day?" You ask looking into his gorgeous eyes. "Of course Y/N" he replies as you smile and turn your attention back to his tattoos. You two stay like that for another 15 minutes before he moves his head down so he can have his eyes looking into yours. "Y/N" he says as you look up. "Yeah Mikey" you say kissing him softly on the cheek before looking into his eyes again. "Y/N I love you"

Luke: You laid in your bed at home by yourself, texting your boyfriend. It was 11:30pm and Luke was on tour again. You were starting to get sleepy while you texted him.
L: Babe, your getting tired aren't you?
Y/N: Nah, I can keep talking for a while
L: That's what you always say then you fall asleep
Y/N: Haha yeah true
L: Go to sleep I'll talk to you later ok Y/N
Y/N: I don't wanna go to sleep yet
L: Y/N please go to sleep
Y/N: Ok Lukie, miss you
L: Miss you too
Y/N: Never as much as me
L: Haha that's what you think
Y/N: Ok, night x
L: Night, I love you xx

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