#You wake up in the middle of the night

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Calum: You woke up to the sound of your baby girl crying. As much as you loved her you haven't had any sleep this week and you were exhausted. Rolling your eyes you started getting up. Just you were about to get out of the bed you felt a hand on your back. "Baby, where are you going?" You heard your husband ask. "I'm going to y/d/n, she's crying again Calum!" You said in an annoyed voice. "Babe, I'll go, you never sleep and if you don't get some sleep tonight you're gonna be grumpier than you already are" Calum said sitting up. "Ok, thank you honey" you replied as Calum put his arms around you and hugged you tight before getting up and walking to your daughter's room.

Ashton: You woke up to the sound of the front door of the apartment you and Ashton shared opening. "But I locked the door" you whisper to yourself. Slowly you get out of bed and walk to the bat the you kept in your closet incase of a situation like this. Carefully you walk out of your room and down the hall to the living room. Suddenly you hear the door close and someone walk into the kitchen. You quietly walk to the wall next to the kitchen entrance and stand there till the person comes out. The kitchen light goes off and the person walks through the entrance, without a second thought you hit the person, only to hear the person on the floor moaning in pain. You turn the light on and look who it is. "Oh god" you say as you realise it's Ashton. "Ash! I'm so sorry, are you ok babe?" You ask your boyfriend. "Yeah, just might have a headache for the next few days that all" he replies rubbing his head. "Aww baby, let's get you in bed huh?" You ask him. Nodding you help him up and put him in bed before lying with him.

Luke: "Ahhhh" you scream as you sit up in the bed. You were sweating a lot and breathing heavily. Instantly you started crying "No, no, no why?" you say. You suddenly feel arms pull you towards a body. "Baby, shhhh it's ok, it was just a dream" you hear Luke say as he cuddles you to him. You kept crying in his arms, this was the worst dream you had had yet. "You got killed and then they came after me and and......" Luke pressed a kiss to your sweaty forehead. "It was just a dream baby, I'm still here, no one is gonna come for you ok, shhh"

Michael: You and your husband Michael laid in bed spooning as you slept. You were both soon awoken by a small body climbing in between the two of you. "Mummy? Daddy? Can I sleep here? I had a bad dream" your son said tears in his eyes. You pulled him to you. "Of course my darling boy" you say as Michael turns around to put his arm over his son. Your son soon feel asleep while you and Michael laid there looking at each other with one arm over your son. "We gonna leave him here honey?" He asks you. "Yes Mikey, he had a nightmare, he can stay here all night" you say before closing your eyes and falling asleep again.

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