#How you deal with paparazzi

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Ashton: Realistically you can't stand the paparazzi, at first you loved the attention but after a while having photos taken of you whenever you were out sucked. Thank god Ashton was always there to cuddle you after a bad day of being caught by the paparazzi.

Michael: You didn't really mind the paparazzi, you were so used to it by now that you started just walking with a camera in your hand to take photos of the paparazzi. Michael thought you were just hilarious.

Calum: The paparazzi was taking so many pictures of you, so you decided to dress up as a different person everyday just to trick them into thinking that you were not Calum's girlfriend. Calum started joining in with the dressing up after a while as well.

Luke: As Luke's girlfriend, you got a lot of attention from the paparazzi. You hated it from the start and couldn't stand it anymore, so without a second thought you decided to embarrass the paparazzi every time they tried to take a pic of you, after time it just stopped and Luke laughed so hard at how often the paparazzi just wouldn't come near you.

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