#You catch him cheating

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Hey guys!!
Ok 1 I'm sorry for the authors note before the chapter, I know it sucks and a lot of you aren't going to read it and that's ok, you're just going to miss some important stuff that's all, your choice.

Anyways so we have reached 1.18k reads in 4 months and all I have to say to you guys is that YOU GUYS ARE THE MOST AMAZING PEOPLE IN THE WORLD EVER!! You guys may not know this but for me to come onto wattpad and see that I have over 1K reads is like I literally just met my celeb crush or my actual crush telling me that I could be his future (which has happened and damn was it a beautiful moment, I got a hug from him after our conversation as well and I love it so much) anyway it is just so amazing to even think that this book could even get this far is just the most amazing thing ever and once again I just want to say a huge thank you to every single one of you!!

My second announcement is that I will start doing imagines and I would really appreciate it if you guys inboxed me with some ideas and maybe imagines with you in them and your fave! I am also going to dedicate to people who I see are voting for this book and for people who inbox and ask me for a certain preference or even an idea! I love your feedback on this book as well so yeah just inbox, comment and vote!!

Announcement 3! I'm going through this book and editing some parts that I personally don't like and so the chapters should get better, for example I changed one of the chapters to # Where you go on honeymoon , so go check that one out because it's a good chapter :)

Final and last announcement: My book If Only is a fanfic about Ashton if you would like to go read that and if you already have then thank you!! I'm sorry I haven't updated it but I'm being a lazy bum lately but I promise I will fix that and update asap :) Also quick reminder to recommend this book as well as If Only to your friends, because I love it when I see that people are reading my book, it just makes me smile and yeah so onto the preference shall we??
Aimee x

Luke:You and Luke had only been a couple for 4 months but you two felt like you had been together for ages and you two were so comfortable around each other. You knew you could put your trust in him and you had given your heart to him. One day after an amazing day with your friends you got home and your could hear something upstairs, you knew it was Luke but you didn't know what he was doing up there. Thinking he was wagging you left it and just went to the kitchen to make some dinner for yourself and your boyfriend. You were just about to turn the oven on when you heard a moan from upstairs. You stopped for a second, wondering what he was doing but you pushed the negative thoughts away and went back to what you were doing. You turned the oven on and went over to put the lamb cutlets into the oven.

Once you put them in you looked over at the time, it was 6:30pm and you had been home for an hour without Luke coming down. You started to become suspicious, it was not like your boyfriend to not come say hello to you. Once again you pushed the thoughts away and went to the fridge to grab a drink of water. Went you had filled your glass and put the water back you drank the water, put the glass in the sink and grabbed your phone and went onto Instagram and Twitter. You stayed like this for an hour before getting up and taking the lamb cutlets out of the oven. Once you had finished you walked up to your bedroom and opened the door quietly. Suddenly you stopped in your tracks and just stood there in your door.

You blinked in hope that you were dreaming, realising you weren't you started to feel tears run down your cheek. There was a completely naked Luke stroking a completely girl's face and kissing her cheek. He smiled at her as he turned his head to the door and suddenly he smile turned into a frightened look. You had anger and pain in your eyes as you watched him trying to say something. You just looked back at him. "Y/N, babe I-" he started to say before you cut him off. "You know what Luke,save it, don't call me, don't come looking for me, don't bother ever having anything to do with me, we're over!!" You said between you tears, "and you think I gave you my heart and my everything!" Suddenly you ran downstairs grabbed you keys and you never came back.

Ashton: Ashton hadn't been home in 3 months because of touring and of course being the caring girlfriend you where you understood this, but lately things had been weird. Ashton hadn't texted you in ages and you started to get worried. Instantly you called Michael in hope that he could explain this quietness to you. "Hiya y/n" you heard Michael say in his Lou voice. "Hey Mikey, how are you?" You said smile on your face. "I'm good thanks, what's up?" "It's Ashton" you started, "he's being distant and he isn't talking to me at all, what's going on? And please tell me the truth" you said not knowing if you really wanted the truth. "Oh y/n" Michael's cheerfulness going away, "Ashton is with this girl called Quinn, they're spending a lot of time together and well how do I say this, he's fooling around with her". You heart stopped, breaking into a billion pieces, he was cheating on you and you knew he would come back and not tell you. "Mikey, is..is he-" you started "yeah he is, I'll get him" Michael said knowing exactly what you meant. For a minute all you could hear was Michael telling Ashton you were on the phone and that he told you about him and Quinn, then hearing Ashton yell at him for telling you. Then you heard Ashton's voice "y/n I can explain" You pulled back your tears before talking. "You know what Ashton, if you were really into me you wouldn't have done this to me, you would have stayed faithful and you would have told me you made a mistake, I won't of had to hear it from Michael, we'll talk about this when you come home in 4 months, whether or not my stuff will still be here I don't know" you said before asking for Michael and quickly thanking him. "It's ok y/n, I hope you're ok" he said, sounding worried. "Yeah I'm fine, just be happy, I'll be fine ok?" "Ok" he said sounding a little happier. "Anyways I have to go, bye" you said before hearing the one word that made you laugh so hard. "byeya".

Dedicated to: Caitlin (@buggers )
For voting !!

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