#You get caught in a moment

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Ashton: You and Ashton were at your parents house for a family reunion. You had decided to bring Ashton along as your date. "Y/N, can we go somewhere where we will have some privacy?" Ashton whispers in your ear. You smile and grab his hand, making your way up to your room. Softly but quickly you open the door to your room, pulling Ashton in and closing the door again. "This better?" You ask with a smirk on your face. He nods before pulling you into him and kissing you deeply before moving his lips down to your neck. You tilt your head up and breathe out a deep breath. Ashton moves his lips back to your lips, now kissing you passionately and deeply. Pulling you closer and closer, the more he kisses you. Without realising you both fall on the bed, you moving yourself on top of him, getting yourself as close to him as possible. Suddenly your brother walks through the door. You look up and find your brother looking at you in shock. "Oh my god! Travis get out" you yell at him as he runs out and closes the door. "I'll come back later" you heard him say with a giggle after it. "We better go downstairs babe" Ashton says looking you in the eyes. "Yeah I guess so" you reply before getting off him and walking to the door.

You and Michael were gonna meet your friend Anastasia and her boyfriend Hunter at a fancy restaurant. You had already arrived at the restaurant and were sitting in Michael's car while you waited for your friend. You looked over at Michael only to find him looking over at you. "You look handsome Mikey". He smiles at you before quickly leaning into kiss your lips. Quickly the kiss gets heated. He starts kissing down your neck, you softly moan. "Mikey, babe let's take this to the backseat" you say heart pounding. "ok" he replies before climbing into the back and pulling you back. You quickly undo his shirt, throwing it off while you kiss him down his neck. Mikey starts breathing heavily, same as you. You reconnect your lips, deepening it with every move you make. Suddenly you hear knocking on the window behind you. You both look up at see who it is only to see Anastasia and Hunter. Anastasia puts her phone to her ear and within seconds you hear your phone ringing. "yeah what's up?" You ask her with a guilty smile on your face.
"When you two are done can we go eat?" She says in quite an annoyed tone. You nod your head before hanging up and putting your phone down. "Come on babe, let's go" you say to Michael as he puts his shirt back on.

You had the house to yourself, your parents weren't home and your brother was away at a friend'a house for the weekend. You had invited Calum over and the two of you sat on the couch watching Monsters Inc. "Y/N" he said kissing your neck softly. You picked up his hint instantly. Standing up you grab Calum's wrist and drag him into your room. Closing the door behind you, you turn around and walk to Calum. He hugs you softly before throwing you on the bed and climbing on top of you. He kisses you deeply and passionately. You tug his shirt, then pulling it off to reveal his abs. He let's you sit up before pulling your shirt off, he then pulls your jeans down, leaving you half exposed. He lays you down again before kissing your neck and working his way down. You moan softly. "Calum, can I.." You get cut off before you can finish to the sound of your door opening. You and Calum look over at the door to see your mum looking at the both of you in shock. "Hi Mrs. Y/L/N" he says getting off you and sitting on he other side of the bed. "Hi Calum, Y/N, hope I didn't bother you" your mum says narrowing her eyes at you. "No mum, why are you guys home so early?" You ask trying to cover yourself as much as possible. "Forgot to tell you not to throw any parties"

"Luke, can we stay like this a while longer?" You ask your boyfriend as the two of you lay in your bed. It was midnight. You had let Luke into your room again without your parents knowing. You loved moments like this, where it was just you and him. Luke turned his head to you. "Why would you wanna stay like this when we could be making out right now?" He say with what sounded like a smile in his voice. You smiled at this, and without any hesitation you turned your body so that your head and his head were now in line. You feel him pull you close to him, before putting is hand on the back of your head and bringing your head forward to kiss your lips. You move your head a little bit, as he deepens the kiss. Without any warning, he starts pulling your shirt up and you two are forced to move apart for a few seconds. Without any hesitation you do the same with him, pulling his shirt off him and throwing it on the floor. You two reconnect your lips, you quickly feel him undo your bra, noticing that he is struggling you turn you head so that he can kiss your neck. You quickly undo your bra for him and throw it on the floor. "Y/N" Luke says in a breath. Your heart starts racing. "Y/N it's midnight, you're supposed to be sleeping and...oh shit" you hear your sister say. "y/s/n, get out!" You scream without realising that your parents were gonna hear you. You were definitely in for a night of trouble.

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