4~ Cooking With Link pt. 1

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It was a normal, boring evening in the mansion. Everyone was doing their own thing, whether it be playing video games, watching TV, just talking, taking a nap, you name it. But one thing they weren't doing was eating.

"Oh come on! It's dinner time! Where's my dinner?!" Asked King Dedede.

Ganondorf approached him. "Calm down Triple D. It's been how long since your last meal? An hour?"

Dedede checked his watch before responding. "Thirty minutes."

"Come on mate, that's even worse." Shulk butted in. "You gotta wait just a bit longer. Don't let the Wii Fit Trainers or Doc find out about this."

"Well yeah, but look at the time. It's about six o' clock. Come on, let's go ask Master Hand what's for dinner." The penguin got up off the couch and started walking, while the other two were still sitting there.

King Dedede waddled across the whole living room. He arrived at Master Hand's office eventually after walking for a while. The hand looked up from his desk and raised an eyebrow(?) as if to say 'What do you want?'

"Mr. Hand sir, um uh... what's for dinner?" Asked Dedede.

"Dinner? Yeah uh, I'm busy doing paperwork as you can see. So I was not planning on cooking tonight. So if you guys want dinner then you guys are gonna have to cook or get something out to eat. And no, I'm not paying." Said Master Hand.

But of course Dedede didn't listen and only heard "get something out to eat" and "I'm paying". He ran out of the office, excited as if Master Hand just handed him a million bucks.

He ran up to the very top of the staircase like he was about to give an important speech or something.

"Everyone guess what!"

"What?" Someone said from below.

"Master Hand said that we can get anything out to eat that we want! And he's paying!"

Everyone who was down there cheered.

"Since Master Hand is doing something good for us, I think we should all do him a favor and just choose one place to eat at. So it's not as confusing." Marth stated.

"That's a good idea!" Corrin said as he put his finger up to his chin. "So what does everyone want to eat?"

That's when Sonic spoke up. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm really feeling some chilli dogs. So I think we should get Sonic."

"Gross. I think we should get McDonalds." Little Mac argued back.

"Um no, we should get Sonic!"

"No, McDonalds!"









That's when Robin cut in. "Red Robin!"

"Yummmmm!" Everyone said at the same time.

"Welp, I guess we're getting Red Robin!" Robin exclaimed.

"Nah, I still want McDonalds."

"And I still want Sonic!"

"Guys no, we have to all get the same thing!" Isabelle yelled at them.

"But I want SONIC!"

"And I want McDonalds!"

"And I want Wendy's!" Wendy Koopa exclaimed.

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