1~ Let the Chaos Begin

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February 23 2018

"And the winner is... BAYONETTA!" Master Hand shouted.

The crowed cheered and applauded their friend as she blew kisses to the audience.

"Congratulations Bayonetta, you won the Smash Four Final Tournament! How does it feel to be the newest fighter to win the tournament?" Questioned Master Hand.

"It feels pretty nice, but I expected it. I may have only been here for two years, but before then, I fought so many battles. I knew you smashers were good, but I always had the feeling that I'm better."

"You truly are talented. Only two of the original twelve have one a final tournament. With another being a newcomer during that era. But even he was here for about five to six years. You've only been a smasher for TWO years. You must really feel special."

Shulk then jumped up and started doing the feel special dance. "You make me feel spe-"

"Shh that song hasn't come out yet!" Palutena shushed Shulk. He then sat down.

"Pat remember, he can see the future!" Samus reminded the goddess.

Meanwhile, Cloud, who just got his ass beat, walked over to Roy and Marth. Well, he tried to walk, before collapsing down onto the floor. That's when Fox walked over to them.

"Did you hear that Marth? Master Hand mentioned that two of the original twelve have won a final tournament. Remember when I won the Melee Final Tournament? And you got second. Remember that?"

"He doesn't speak English Fox, you've known this for seventeen years." Mario said as he walked by.

"You're just jealous that you haven't won a final tournament despite the fact that you're the most well known smasher." Fox sassed before realizing Mario had already walked away. He then walked over to Bayonetta, along with Kirby and Meta Knight.

"Congratulations Bayo. You are now a member of the champions club! As you know, Fox, Meta Knight, and I have all won a final tournament. And now you have!" Kirby shouted.

A loud voice then started speaking, and everyone stopped what they were doing. "Attention all smashers! As you all know, today was the Smash Four Final Tournament. Usually, final tournaments indicate that a new era is going to begin! So if you guessed that, you guessed completely right! Starting tomorrow, we will start to prepare for the new era! Now, you all may resume what you were doing." Master Hand then floated away from the microphone.

"Fifth Era..?"


March 8 2018

"I bet you can't splat me!" Orange ran around, shooting her ink all on the ground. She then turned into her squid form, and swam through the orange ink.

She saw blue ink being shot at her by her brother, Blue. She dodged an kept running, shooting her ink in the process. Blue kept shooting at her, and Orange kept dodging. Orange then threw a bomb at him. He dodged just in time. Blue then transformed into the squid form, and swam away.

That's when the pale white room began to dim. Orange stopped running to catch her breath. She looked around. That's when a bright light shined. She turned around and saw a large flaming ball with perpendicular lines, along with many silhouettes. Blue walked up and observed the sight as well. They looked in and saw someone that resembled Mario and someone who resembled Link.

"No way."

"I can't believe it! We're gonna be smashers!" Blue yelled in excitement.

Orange stood there in shock. "We're... we're... we're gonna be smashers..."

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