Quick Intro Before the Show

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(Last updated: 6/26/24)

Quick heads up! I started this story in 2020, when I was 14, so I apologize if there are any errors. I am 18 now and I believe my writing has greatly improved. So if there's a big difference in quality, that's why.

So yeah, this is: Livin' it Up in Smash Mansion

This story starts off in 2018, just before the release of Super Smash Bros Ultimate. The DLC characters will not be introduced until later on.

This is an episodic fic, so there's really no overarching plot. Think of this as just like a silly cartoon with random 4th wall breaks and stuff (as cartoons were a big inspiration for me). This is just a fun slice of life story, which I've always enjoyed.

Though Wattpad doesn't have a rating system, this story is rated T (as it is on AO3). So it's mostly suitable for teens (as I am a teenager myself). This is mainly due to the use of profanity at times. However, I'd say most people would be able to handle this otherwise.

There are also some characters I know little to nothing about, so they may appear less often than the ones I'm more familiar with. Some characters will be kind of based off of headcannons, but I'll try to make them have their canon personality too, just with a bit of a twist. Also, not every character will appear in each chapter because that's way too many to cram in. I'll try to let everyone have equal screen time, however, characters I'm more familiar with may get more. Working with such a large cast can be quite difficult, so please let me know if there are any characters that seem to have significantly less appearances than others. I'll make sure to write them in.

To avoid any confusion: Mario and Dr. Mario are the same person, Samus and Zero Suit Samus are the same person, Sheik and Zelda are NOT the same person, F!Robin's name is Reflet, and F!Corrin's name is Kamui.

Now that I've made some things clear, let's begin the show!

Livin' it Up in Smash Mansion | Season 1Where stories live. Discover now